Discussion: MSNBC Says Joy Reid Will Stay On Air Despite Possible Homophobic Blog Posts

It is her far fetched and unbelievable current denial that is the problem.



This story perked your troll senses?


And you know she’s lying how?


Good on MSNBC for not being easily moved by internet trolls.


Obviously this should be investigated before any action is taken. She’s accused of possibly writing something distasteful many years ago, not of breaking any laws. It’s ridiculous to think of anyone being fired or even suspended over such a matter before even looking into it thoroughly.


I see the Progressives are going to eat their own again. Al Franken didn’t satisfy the appetite.



The only people Joy calls out are Rs who get into an anti-Democrat [sic] Party rant when the topic under discussion is far removed from anything to do with the party. She doesn’t call out people for their sexual preferences or the color of their skin. If you’d ever seen her show you’d know this. But you keep pluckin’ that chicken


Because nothing says “authenticity” like screenshots of supposed blog posts that indicate controversial things were said on a blog with a comment section without garnering a single fucking comment.

Yeah, that’s some mighty fine trolling material you’re working with there there.

ETA: And now, shockingly, I’m sure everyone here will be stunned to learn that in addition to Greenwald, Wikileaks and Breitbart, RT is on the case, claiming this whole business undermines her credibility on the ridiculous allegations that Russia hacked the election.

Yes, I can see why fair minded outlets like HuffPo and Mediate are all over this, all but accusing her of lying.


I’m guessing a more apt user name might be “effessbee”.

But that’s just me.


Anybody who’s seen even one of her shows knows who she is by her fair and nondiscriminatory reporting. MSNBC is not going to jettison her.


Then stop lying, troll-boy.


Tell that to Al Franken


If what they said on a blog 10 years ago or whatever is a problem, especially when the freedom to say anything was so fresh and new back then, I’d say who cares and why does it matter? And it’s obvious it only matters as a means for destroying a liberal voice. Has this been her “platform,” as it were? No, so eff off trolls.

We screwed Al Franken for nothing because we didn’t want to look partisan or something, let’s not repeat that behavior anymore please.

If a Republican complains about something, screw them, ESandD, right?!

That’s the proper mindset.


I’d like to thank MSNBC for not apologizing. I can’t remember the last time they didn’t.


We should be grateful to RT and Russia for their concern.


Think it’s important that MSNBC keep Joy where she is and stop reacting to the Roger Stoning of liberals. As I’ve written elsewhere, whether Joy wrote those posts or not is immaterial to me. If she held anti-gay views in the 00s, she doesn’t now, and we need her voice out there. The real bigot is Mike Pence and the whole cast of homophobes who are doing their best to shove gays back in the closet. Going after Joy Ann Reid serves the purposes of anti-gay bigots.


I find the tenor of the discussion here dismaying. Trump’s side doesn’t give a sh*t about facts, but our side has to remain open-minded to facts, even if they are at times disappointing. There are two issues here. The first is did at some point Joy Reid post homophobic comments on her blog. Answer seems to be very clearly yes. Proper thing for her would be apologize-- which she did-- and then we move on. But now we have something else: she’s saying her site back then was hacked. Hmm… if you look at the posts in question (and I’ve taken the time to look on @Jamie_Maz 's twitter feed, it would take a kind of perverse genius to imitate her style so closely— anyone who knows how to read can get a sense of this. These posts aren’t fake, they sound like her voice. So here’s the problem: was she hacked? I kinda doubt that she was hacked so many years ago, that she never noticed it, and that she never noticed it at the time. That’s really quite a story to swallow. So in other words, what is the truth of the situation? Unlike Trump supporters, I still believe there is such a thing as fact. And her story does not sound very believable in multiple counts.


“most straight people cringe at the sight of two men kissing.”

That’s some weak-tea bigotry right there. If she even wrote it. If she did, she is stating an ‘is’ not an ‘ought’. If she did, her quantifier may be overstated. It is perfectly accurate if you replace “most” with “some” or “many”. Again, that is a description, not a proscription.

End of pedantic rant.