Discussion: MSNBC Joins CNN In Banning Roger Stone From Network

Damn. I just wasted 10 minutes of my life looking up one of Trump’s advisors. Something I would rather not do.
TPM, please include a succinct summary of article subjects for us ignorant types.

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So these people can come onto the mainstream networks and absolutely lie their faces off, but disparage a correspondent? Oh no, that’s a bridge too far!

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I don’t quite understand. If they scheduled him to speak in the first place, why did they edit him out of the program. Did he do something egregious between the time they scheduled him and the time he was supposed to be on the air?

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Which one ISN’T Stone?

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As important, the 12 varieties of asshole give us a composite description of Trump’s personality.

Carly: Failed business woman. Poor candidate. Poor loser. Self loather. Need more?

I’m not sure. I don’t see “Ratfucker” on there.

Should have never been on the air. Now if you guys ban Hugh Hewitt, Erik Erickson, Ann Coulter, Bill Kristol, Michelle Malkin, Jonah Goldberg, David Brooks, Krauthammer, Joe Scarborough, Frank Luntz, Ron Fournier, David Frum, and Matthew Dowd, then maybe, just maybe, you’ll get back to journalism.