Discussion: MSNBC Insists 'Morning Joe' Hosts Didn't Hang With Trump After NH Primary

Who cares? Mika and Joe couldn’t be ore useless than they already were.

Me thinks thou doth protest too much, Joe.


And just remember, every time you mention how awash the country is in right-wing propaganda from FOX, Rush Limbaugh and the rest, someone will cite “left-wing MSNBC” to prove that both sides do it.

Ladies and gentlemen, your “left-wing” programming in action: three hours a day of ex-Gingrich Revolution right-winger and current Trump supporter Joe Scarborough.


Byers tweeted Wednesday that he heard about the MSNBC hosts’ visit to Trump’s hotel room from two anonymous sources:

… and were those two anonymous sources from the Cruz campaign perhaps? I’ve heard they’re into that kinda’ stuff…


Also, why are they so defensive? MSNBC has been feeding on the gravy train of Trump fever for months now.


I don’t know if he hung with Trump, but I’m certain he would drop to his knees and do oral sex on Trump if The Donald ordered him to do so. Joe Scar is one contemptible little turd. He’d blow a goat for dinner and drinks.


"Morning Joe’ Hosts and Trump "

Match made in hell.

BS.strong text

What Joe Scarborough is doing is shameful.

MSNBC: “Have you seen the ratings?!”


If this is all true, I wonder if NBC would have the guts to suspend Joe Scar. Or is he not a journalist unbound by any ethical standards?


MSNBC or as I call it the Comcast Crap Brigade is as believable as Fox, which means not at all.

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Who wrote the responses Trump? Sound very Trumpish Also how does Joe know that sources were CNN reporters if he wasn’t there?

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It’s what Bill O’Reilly does whenever accused of anything. Be it stealing the office stapler, witnessing riots in Argentina, or not replacing the toilet paper.

Apparently, it’s what narcissistic opinion regurgitators with BPD do.

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My thoughts exactly as I read Slow Joe’s tweets. I think Trump hacked his account.

I watch both Morning Joe and New Day every morning. I noticed Joe/Mika softening their conversations on Trump…definitely a favorable turn towards him. I have made comments to family members that Joe is sucking up to Trump, enamored with his money/social status. Guess this explains my “theory”. Joe routinely pounds on Hillary…is he doing Trump’s bidding? It gets so disgusting I have to grab the remote!

Joe’s been handing out too much with Trump. JS’s tweets are starting to sound like The Donald’s tweets.

Of course they did. Joe blow is an gop/bag ass-licker!

There’s some big surprise here? Joe and Mika have served as Trump’s fluffers since day one…

These two. I really got turned off by them when they started with their stupid commercials, exemplified by the above picture. “Look! We’re at the We MATRIX Awards! We’re so Smart! And Good Looking! And Popular! Look!”
Couple empty heads, empty suits/dresses.

I find it interesting that before the N.H. and Iowa primary elections, all we heard about were the polls, this when Sanders was moving up or winning, or Trump was in lead. Now that the focus in in S.C. and Hillary is in the lead, MSNBC and CNN are not talking about the polls. I don’t think Joe and Mika are for Trump, it is their hatred for Hillary that makes it seem they are for Trump. They just nick-pick everything Hillary says or does. Remember when Mika said that she could not tolerate listening to Hillary, that is hatred.