Discussion: MSNBC Host Grills Spicer: Did You Set A Precedent For Lying In WH Press Office?

Ha! I have no use for “cred” that is withheld for the petty use of “pricks”.

Still a lying weasel.

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I don’t regret the precinct I set, I regret taking the job even before that first lie.

We are now in a situation with Iran that America’s credibility is of vital importance with contrary reports about what and who attacked two tankers yesterday in the Persian Gulf.

The problem is that having told over 10,000 documented lies, nobody in their right mind can or would believe anything Trump or his administration says. Add to it that Trump’s National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, to quote Donald Trump, helped "George W Bush lie America into a disastrous war in Iraq,

even if Iran did attack the ships in the Persian Gulf as Trump and his administration claim, a claim that is now being disputed by the Japanese owner of one of the tankers, who in their right mind would or could believe Trump.


One second

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Pricks and dicks make for a class act. Stay that way.

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I and my words stand on their own.

“I clearly made mistakes. But do I think I ever engaged in anything that wasn’t the best that I could do at the time? No,”



Now a whole departure lounge full of people is wondering why I started giggling uncontrollably


He certainly upped the quotient. But in fairness to Spicer, I can’t recall (being very young at the time) that Ziegler literally insisted on his first day that you doubt the evidence of your own lying eyes. That certainly took things to a new level. :smile:


I remain uncertain how this maneuver is accomplished, but completely convinced of its accuracy.


Those were the days …



[quote=“mattinpa, post:30, topic:88939”]
That certainly took things to a new level. :smile:
[/quote]Spicer took things to a new level. But, I think SHS holds the record for prevarications an outright lies (and just think where her numbers would be had she not stopped giving the daily press briefings over 3 months ago).


Also he came up with the term modified limited hangout, which was not some hippie phrase it meant we’re only going to give you so much information.
Interesting factoid: Diane Sawyer worked for him as an aide just after college and her gig as America’s Junior Miss.


I’ve heard there’s a group of Rover Scouts camped out at Washington DC’s antipode in Augusta, Western Australia, Australia waiting for the bar to finally emerge. It’s unclear whether they’ll all get a Furphy badge for finding it.



You apparently can’t unteach yourself spewing BS on a daily basis after Trump.

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Oh, she’s the worst yet. Spicer had the graciousness to seem uncomfortable with it. For her it was just a day at the office. Truly shocking.


I have no interest in anything this ass has to say. But I did watch the exchange long enough to notice that Sphincter finally found a suit coat that fits. Progress, I guess.

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