Because these “patriots” are only good at intimidating and killing unarmed people…
No apologies necessary. It just gave me a little jolt.
It’s not a sheet. Progress!
So, would THAT person be the good guy with a gun?
I love how the rough, tough man with the big gun is stalking a woman and has a mask over his face. Just. Like. A. Terrorist.
What an f’ing coward. Sure, publish their addresses to the world but Mr. Tough Guy out to save 'merica with your gun wear a mask. Roach scum scared of the light.
How has our Republican managed to survive this long without these brave, heavily armed couch potatoes protecting us?
Sometimes, the distinction is a rather fine one.
I’m sorry, but where are these nice moderate TX people? Why are they silent? We’re going to have to group them all in with the racist xenophobes because their silence is tacit support and approval of the racist xenophobes and their wing-nuttery and potential terrorism they commit. I’m just not seeing any evidence that Texas is really a state of peace and egalitarianism.
I believe that the entire Bagger phenomenon is debilitating everyone. Everywhere
Black is the new white. We just need to get him into orange (as in jumpsuit and cuffs) .
Interesting photo - seems that more folks than just Muslim women have taken to wearing the veil…
Peripheral observation but I have to object to using the verb “share,” like the headline on the main story does, as a synonym for “communicate.” I used to work with educators who were addicted to this usage. Not all communication has the touchy-feely connotation associated with the word “share”. In all the WWII movies you see a staff car roll into the square in occupied towns and some Nazi dude reads a long list of new offenses the Reich will punish with death. In some people’s parlance that’s “sharing” but not in mine. This gun-toting neo-Fascist fuckface was not “sharing” a goddamn thing when he made those addresses public. It was a taking away, not a giving. So let’s decide to be more precise with that ummkay? Thanks much.
We need to reexamine the record. There must be some loophole that we have missed when they let Texas back into the Union after they had claimed to secede. Surely a good lawyer can find some technicality that could be used to expel them.
When that happens the average IQ of the United States will go up by leaps and bounds.
Because of the second religion worshiped in Texas-football.
I’m pretty sure they can manage some football in Syria. Hell, Burt Reynolds managed it in a German POW camp.
From the Hunt for Red October
Admiral Josh Painter: This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.–Hunt for Red October.
The leader of AWC (Assholes Who Carry), David Wright.
Right, yet you post this nonsense. Most of my family lives in Texas and they are not xenophobic. We do not “have to be very careful with these people”. You are part of this problem, as evidenced with your many posts. Get a grip!
Centerfold pic for Gun Nut Magazine.