Discussion: 'Morning Joe' Hosts Slam McCaskill Over Koch Interview: We 'Pushed Them'!

Discussion for article #242542

I wouldn’t even let a fish watch this show.


I was just saying that finally these guys are being interviewed, and we all have this probably unrealistic expectation that they would be asked some questions about what they’ve been up to.”
Scarborough clearly took offense

Did Renfield ever falter, or “take offense” for that matter, in his misguided efforts for Dracula?

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Oy vey…this show is such trash. Is it any wonder MSNBC does so poorly?

No. No it is not.


“In your last answer you just said, ‘I guess some people had the unrealistic expectation that they would actually be asked questions and pushed.’ Mika pushed them! They wanted ham and eggs for breakfast in the Green Room!. Mika made them eat oatmeal. OATMEAL! Argle-bargle!"


Joe Scarborough has no insight into what a weak thing he is.


"McCaskill immediately started backpedaling and apologized for the remarks, saying that as a former target in the Koch’s crosshairs, it’s difficult for her to listen to a “calm conversation” with the brothers.

Way to stand your ground Senator.


’ Mika pushed them!” Scarborough said, referring to his co-host Mika Brzezinski.

Scarborough continued, “Well, it wasn’t so much of a push, more like a friendly pat on the chest as she was laughing at their jokes.”


Mika pushes the Kochs

Only pushing going on in that interview was Chuck and Dave pushing down on Mika and Joe’s heads.


Most importantly, the Kochs, aside from their success gulling farmers and state pols, wouldn’t be doing TV if they hadn’t suffered PR and economic losses from their previous unsuccessful intrusions into the national public arena
They’ve also given thought to their public presentation and the broadcast ‘talent’ selected for the interviews. Charles, more home er, mansionspun and down to Earth than snobby, tighter-wrapped David, does most of the aw shucks talking


Are we to believe the Koch’s were just going to come right out with it on Morning Joe. " Yup…we want shape an America that is good for us and if it sucks for others we don’t care. We’ve got the bucks to do it and lack the scruples to stop us".

Joe was just putting lipstick on the Koch pigs. He didn’t “push” anything.


Scarborough clearly took offense, saying “I take exception” with her remark about “unrealistic” expectations for the “Morning Joe” sit-down in the Koch’s hometown. He said “every single statement” from the Missouri senator included a “barb and an insult.”

Joe: Facts are not liberal or conservative. They just are. Sometime, the truth hurts. Sen. McCaskill’s facts obviously hurt you. Again: Sometimes, the truth hurts.


Joe Scarborough proved himself to be an excellent tea bagger and sniveling brown noser in that interview. He was ready and willing to step up to the plate and suck up to the Kochs right there on the set.

Joe Scarborough subsequent threats and rants against Senator Harry Reid were unprofessional and should be investigated. He should be fired.


Joe is so “thin skinned” I’m surprised blood doesn’t burst out all over his body when he gets heated. Like Bill O’Really, he just loves to dish it out, but gets angry and whines when HE is challenged on anything he says or does. Claire should NOT have backed down.


The only “pushing” that occurred was when Joe pushed Mr. Koch up against the wall so as to firmly wrap those lips around Koch’s base and get at an angle so he wouldn’t activate his gag reflex.

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We 'Pushed Them’!

More like a nice massage. Maybe with a happy ending off camera.

You realize MSNBC’s powers that be are trying hard to make Morning Joke their flagship.

And this is why new, not improved MSNBC has to grease it so heavily.
Tweety and Chunk Toad’s analysis of the Kentucky vote was laughable but geared to what, I imagine, they feel best oils the twisted GOP and/or Trumpian rails: We’re living in pre-Carter America wherein President Obama is both Vietnam and Watergate. They have polls that prove this if read under the light of a midsummer’s eve crescent moon, really.


“McCaskill immediately started backpedaling and apologized for the remarks…”

Of course she did. She’s a Democrat. Sigh.

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