Discussion: 'Morning Joe' Bans Campaign Staffers From Show Until Candidate Comes On

Discussion for article #241439

OOOOOOh! Don’t they think they are important…how many folks watch them?

Win win for the candidates, I say.


HRC will consider appearing when Joe and MSNBC can assure the Secret Service his pompadour is properly braced and won’t slide and potentially hurt the Secretary…

‘dommyluc’ Rule: no motherfucking “Morning Joe” EVER! Besides, my progressive voice might upset the other 7 members of his viewing audience.

Rather a good idea, actually. JoScar is like Rick Perry’s clock here, right once a day!

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Morning Joe Rule: Never ever watch it.


Well it’s darn nice Ms. Jerde in her last paragraph cleared up the innuendo she made in the first 4.

Ahhhhhhhhh…but we can have as many partisan HACKS come on and smear people as they want, correct? Stupid. Next up, MJ will ‘define’ who exactly is a staffer? Emily’s List? They MUST be for Hillary…NYTIMES? Oh yeah, liberal. Give me a break.


“I don’t speak for Mr. Trump, but…”

Would that count?

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How’s this for a rule? If you want a presidential candidate on your news program, why not actually make an effort to act like a news program worthy of hosting a presidential candidate.


But every GOP speaker is a spokesperson for every other GOP candidate. (I think they have a real, actual “talking points memo” sent by email every morning.)

IF Hillary comes on and says, “I just showed up to do my Donald Trump impersonation,” calls them all losers and then walks off, anything Scarborough says will be the very definition of ‘lame.’

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Why the hell would anyone want to appear on his show?

Meanwhile Hillary had a great interview with Rev. Al.

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I don’t watch his show, and really don’t have the desire to wade through his past episodes, but I am willing to bet he has had plenty of people working for the various republican campaigns on his show, usually without identifying they work for a candidate’s campaign.

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I pray HRC do not obliged these 2 Cable-TV hate-mongers. They’ve been on a binge to bring her poll numbers & her down for months. Mika especially is vicious, mean and duplicitous to her and other democrats. I remember her dissing Senator Barbara Boxer and Speaker Pelosi repeatedly!! For heavens sake, let’s brush this 2 away with the faux-fox tee-vee anchors/blowhards.


Whether it is going on Faux or appearing on (as Charlie Pierce so lovingly dubs them “Squint and the Meat Puppet,” ) making a visit to either has huge downsides and very little up. Joe still treats the GOP as though it is a rational organism and its candidates sentient beings, when in fact the GOP is a gaggle of people (again to quote Charlie) afflicted by prion disease from eating monkey brains.

I don’t blame them. It’s a good policy. Candidates from both parties like to send out surrogates who never say anything but simply promote. It’s a waste of time.

On the other hand, they shouldn’t be surprised if Hillary never appears on their show. All of maybe 100 people outside the beltway watch the show and no one outside the beltway cares what either of them or their sycophantic cast of characters thinks.

If I were Hillary, I wouldn’t appear.


new rule morning joe won’t be a shameless shill for the GOP and their talking points