Discussion: More Hospitals See Drop In Uninsured Patients Under Obamacare

They’ll call it crony capitalism. Of course they won’t be phased at all when in 10 minutes they turn around and call him a socialist marxist dictator.

The story you linked to has been covered pretty extensively on MSNBC – quite compelling.

The hospital in that community was privately owned, and the owners said expanding Medicaid would not have been enough to keep them from shutting it down – apparently the felt they needed to consolidate it with another facility out of the immediate area in order to cut costs. But that’s another example of why the privatization of the hospital industry can be very bad for the communities those hospitals are supposed to serve. Because even if they are not officially “for profit” operations, they’re still in it primarily for the money.

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Now will they lower prices as a result?

Just another example of how Republicans are pretty much always wrong about everything.


Well, one would hope. But not sure how any pressure to lower prices is occurring. This seems to simply improve profitable and yield higher returns for stockholders. Not necessarily a bad thing as far as it goes, but this news doesn’t provide evidence of putting downward pressure directly. Only if the insurance underwriters force pricing reductions via refusal to pay current pricing (which is obviously higher than covering costs and has higher margins now).

Would rather your stock was only up 10% and the other 26% was put back into lowering healthcare pricing.

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True - it doesn’t fit into their description of either “fair” or “balanced.” On the other hand, I am sometimes surprised by how they can spin the negative out of something that is overwhelmingly positive, so we’ll see . . . .


So, let’s repeal Obamacare and replace it with the version that doesn’t have typos that were forced to be put in because of the Republicans not wanting an even better law.
Seeing the successes of this watered down version of Affordable Health Care makes me want a lot more and a lot better.

Rework and Upgrade, that’s the only idea that makes sense.

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Hope ERs are prepared for the influx of lower bowel injuries…

From teaHeads exploding.


…not as long as non-physician hospital CEOs want bonuses…

I was on the volunteer board for a large non-profit hospital in Missouri. When Jeff City passed on the ACA our hospital freaked out. What is funny is they voted for these guys ! I rode to a meeting with the CEO of the hospital and he had Fox on his radio. Anyway, they were asking us to lobby our reps to change their minds and take the money !! They have since laid off workers and mid- managers and have lost millions.


The big win here, hopefully, is the preservation of emergency room care in poorer and rural neighbourhoods. The ER has become the “doctor of only resort” for the uninsured, and as many hospitals in poorer neighbourhoods were not collecting on payments from the uninsured, they were simply closing ERs down to stem the financial bloodloss.

Hopefully this new profitability, and the rise of the insured patient base, will help save many ERs…


All this excellent snark aside, this totally misses the point. The Republican elite and TEA party scammers would rather have their loyal followers die in agony in the dirt from a preventable and curable illness than give a black man credit for anything.


Wait, what?

People benefit from Obamacare…?

Surely, Republicans have a simple legislative fix for that.


Yes she does! Thanks Nancy - but considering the crap this President has had to deal with over this law I must give credit where credit is due.

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He’s my favorite president but I will share

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Democrats on a weekend show? Surely you are joking.


Isn’t that one of Bogle’s funds? They are highly regarded as is he in the financial industry - one of the better guys

I talked to a very low income young women just today. She works in some place that cleans linens for hotels,and restaurants. She makes $8.50 an hour, and is pregnant. I asked her how the heck can you afford to have a baby on $8.50 an hour. She said with a big smile on her face she got insurance through her states healthcare exchange. It is covering all her prenatal care,and only cost $60.00 a month.

It actually made feel good to learn that,which surprised me. Don’t ever underestimate how much the ACA is helping people.


And here’s the real reason that the GOP wanted to kill the ACA. Not because it was terrible law that would destroy this country, but because it would actually WORK.