Discussion: Moore Warns Of ... Voter Fraud In AL: GOP Establishment Wants To Steal Your Votes!

He makes a really good point here. I think he needs to keep talking about it, and should be a guest on every conservative outlet to let people know what is happening. It’s vital that he keep this in the news.


We knew the GOP “deep state” mantra would come back to bite them at some point. Although this is just a nibble, it shows that the GOP is not in lock step. Moore might be the first to use this tactic but I doubt he will be the last.


Well, he’s right as far as that goes. Republicans ARE out to steal your vote.


Run Roy Run !
Don’t listen ol’ Donnie Downer
You are eminently qualified and the people LOVE you


Screw you and the horse you rode in on Moore.


This Roy Moore interview is perfect:

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I figured it kicked him in the ghoulies

“Moore Warns Of … Voter Fraud In AL: GOP Establishment Wants To Steal Your Votes!”

You can say that again!


Some other very original political talking points for Roy Moore:

  1. Roy Moore, A chicken in every pot.
  2. Vote for Roy Moore, let’s teach those outside agitators and Yankee Carpetbaggers a lesson.
  3. Vote for the accused Child Molester, It’s Important .
  4. Read my lips. No New Taxes.
  5. Joe DiMaggio had bone spurs too. But he served.
  6. Roy Moore, I’ll be even older than Ronald Reagan was when he got to Washington.
  7. I am Roy Moore and I will make it safe for White Folks to wear Bermuda shorts again.

Go get um, Roy!

Hey, Roy, keep it up, stay in the news and accuse the other GOPers of cheating when you don’t win the primary.Then run as an independent to teach them all a lesson.


Campaign song and video ready to go:

Ride 'em cowboy, right to a big fat loss you disgusting child molester.

Man who finger-fucked a 14 year-old girl says whut…?

The daughter of Thomas Hofeller, a Republican who specialized in gerrymandering, just passed his files to attorney’s going after the Trump admin. adding a “citizenship” question to the next Census. One Hofelle memo explains why: the citizenship question would boost the voting power of "Republicans and non-Hispanic Whites.

Hofeller devoted the most of his time to North Carolina, where he created lopsided Republican majorities in a state evenly divided between the parties.

Another state that Hofeller was paid to help gerrymander, Mr. Moore…: al-Abama.

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Bless his heart. It all boils down to the same ol’ Republican meme ‘I’m a victim of …’


This creature of Satan wont die.They should try impaling him through the heart with a wooden stick like a vampire, shoot him with silver bullets, and then burn the body.

Louisiana nixes bill to set minimum age for marriage

If they’re both 16 years old, and they both consent to sexual relations, and they’re about to have a baby, why wouldn’t we want them to be married?" said Rep. Nancy Landry, a Lafayette Republican. “Just as a public policy of the state we want children born into wedlock, if possible.”


Run Roy Run!

Doug Jones wants a full term.


Someone should tell him there’s a Best Western next door…

And when one is too big of an asshole for even Alabama what’s an asshole going to do but complain nobody likes him.

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