Discussion: Moore Suggests Jewish Philanthropist George Soros Is Going To Hell

I dunno - have you seen how the women in christian cults dress?


They get to go to heaven?

If heaven is where Roy Moore ends up, I’ll be delighted to spend my eternity in Hell.

Read “The Great Divorce” by CS Lewis…a story that provides a different and interesting take on hell and heaven…provided clarity for this questioning lutheran preacher’s kid.

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If Mooron wins we all have complete permission to treat people from Alabama like the gutter filth they are.

Jews don’t believe in God? Wasn’t aware of that.

Republicans believe Jews belong in hell.
Pedophiles belong in the Senate

Imagine if there were no Jews. It would be so boring! I’ll opt for the other one, where we’ll all probably end up anyway.

The political psyche of the USA is in the process of decompensation. As it turns out, the center did not hold. We all now slouch toward Bethlehem.

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Whew! Anti-Semitism rears its ugly head. And the Repugnant Party endorses this guy.

Apparently this guy thinks Jesus is in hell now.

"Vote Roy Moore, Good Ol’ Alabama Creepy"

And yet, your comprehension is so much greater than theirs.

We’ve quips and quibbles heard in flocks
But none to match this paradox

I love how they always wear ties, as if that would give them some respectability.

Amen brutha!!

14yrs counts as ‘little ones’, right?? Or maybe that was your point…?

Or welcomed by the GOP into the Senate?? #pedophlie_over_Country

The initial comment I responded to was about doctrine.

My comment was about doctrine, and on topic responsive to the previous comment.

And Jesus will be there with us. And Mary. Because they lived and died as Jews.

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This is hell, nor am I out of it.

Evangelical Women do as their MAN tells them to.

That is part of the deal.

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It works so much better when we are both household executives!

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