Discussion: Montana GOP Candidate Charged After Allegedly Body-Slamming With Reporter

…ever had a rubber band snap on you when it stretched too far?


Asshole Republican proves he’s an asshole.
In other news…
We should all be careful not to hyperventilate on this.
Seriously I love Rachel Maddow but she spent 45 minutes on it last night.
Keep your eye on the ball, there are bigger issues , like the subversion of democracy and minor stuff like that


Greg Gianforte proves mental instability - still gets strong GOP support


I’d love to believe this deplorable would lose or resign/quit the campaign but, he’s a republican this will probably guarantee his victory.

BTW - I saw on twitter that Dems flipped 2 seats in special elections this week. Anyone know where?


Guy who embraces Trump has a rage problem and hatred of the media… big surprise there. I guess we will see how much Montana embraces Trumpism.


Party over country, as always the GOP. He shouldn’t be seated in the congress, but it is the GOP, and Party over Country.

Why didn’t the reporter have a gun and stand his ground. That would have been self-defense.


We must not ask Republican candidates about Russian investments or about the deplorable health care plans. That only irritates them and they will answer violently. Similarly we must not ask Price about inside trading or Sessions about meeting with Russians. In a corrupt administration all these things are possible and applauded.


This is just an extension to what took place at Trumps rallies. The republicans will see this as an heroic stand against the liberal press.


I think the most damaging result to Gianforte will be votes moving from him to Wicks, the Libertarian candidate. It’s hard to imagine this event moving any votes from Quist to Gianforte, and the number of non-voters who will be impelled to now vote for Gianforte will certainly be balanced by those non-voters who will now come out and vote for Quist.

Gianforte isn’t mad at the media just for the revelations of his investment in Putin—he’s undoubtedly pissed that the media also revealed how much he’ll personally profit from Trumpcare.

Greg Gianforte, the Republican candidate for Montana’s open House seat, stands to get tax cuts worth nearly $800,000 a year if the House health care bill becomes law, according to a new analysis.

The American Health Care Act, as the Republican bill that passed the House of Representatives is known, repeals the two tax hikes on higher earners that the Affordable Care Act used to fund expansion of insurance coverage: a 3.8 percent tax on net investment income and a 0.9 percent increase in the Medicare Hospital Insurance tax. Both taxes apply to individuals making $200,000 a year or more, and married couples making $250,000 a year or more.

Based on Gianforte’s average yearly investment and wage income from 2005 to 2014, his annual tax bill would go down $785,413 if the AHCA passed, according to an analysis released Friday by the Center for American Progress Action Fund and Tax March, an organization backed by labor unions and progressive groups.

CAP Action Fund senior fellow Seth Hanlon, a tax attorney who worked for former President Barack Obama, conducted the report.

Hanlon calculated the size of the tax cuts based on the income reported in Gianforte and his wife Susan’s tax returns from 2005 to 2014. Gianforte released them as part of his failed bid for governor of Montana in 2016.

Gianforte, 56, founded two successful software companies, including RightNow Technologies, which he sold to Oracle for $1.5 billion in 2011.

He and his wife made, on average, over $20 million a year in investment income and $1.6 million a year in ordinary wages over the ten-year period for which Gianforte disclosed his earnings. Assuming he continued to maintain this average going forward, he would get a $772,981 annual tax break from repeal of the net investment income tax and another $12,432 from elimination of the Medicare Hospital Insurance surtax.

Interesting take from a local Montanan. I think this event might result in votes moving from Gianforte to the Libertarian candidate, which would help Quist:


I believe they were in NY and NH. Someone please correct if I’m mistaken.


In a special election for New York’s District 9 State Assembly, Democrat Christine Pellegrino upset Republican Thomas Gargiulo, The Huffington Post reported.

Trump had won District 9 by 23 points in November. The seat was formerly held by Republican Joseph Saladino, who resigned after being appointed town supervisor of Oyster Bay.

Democrats also pulled off an upset in New Hampshire’s Carroll County District 6, where Democrat Edith DesMarais defeated Republican Matthew Plache, according to WMUR. In the 2016 presidential election, Trump defeated Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in District 6 by seven points.


Wow, those look like pretty significant flips. If Ossof can win in Georgia, the Rs will have to start seriously considering the damage that their party leader is doing to their continued control of the federal government.


This is just an extension to what took place at Trumps rallies. The republicans will see this as an heroic stand against the liberal press.

Today’s Republican base:

Look at all of them laughing about the idea of lynching people. Aside from language differences, these people are indistinguishable from Putin’s thug supporters in Russia. They’re also no different from the white Southern racists who gathered at lynchings of black men like it was a party.

I was on twitter a bit last night after the incident happened, and there were plenty of Trumpers celebrating Gianforte’s attack. The concept of freedom of the press is not nearly as universally accepted in this country as we’d like to think.


Conservative christians no less


The new GOP Theme Song!

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Let’s correct that to…

KKKonservative KKKristians!


It should be noted that not only did he assault a reporter he baldly lied about it afterwards, despite the fact there were multiple witnesses in the room, and even managed to disparage the reporter as a “liberal” in the process. Is this your man Montanans?


Unfortunately, about 250,000 mail-in ballots have already been cast. Montana does not have any means by which these votes can be changed.


Pretty much crystallizes the central question of our times: Do rich people get to do anything they want, completely free of any restraint, or don’t they?