Discussion: Monica Crowley Backs Out Of White House Job Following Plagiarism Scandal

Eustace doesn’t steal!

He does, however, rely heavily on his patented Eustaceanator™, which resembles a freakishly oversized decoder ring with a couple of polyalphabetic substitution cipher bi-directional rotary dials, a series of flashing indicator lights, and a really bitchen Jacob’s ladder coming out of the center. It’s been speculated that his signature "!!!1111one!!!1!!1!"s are actually excess bits of end-code that, due to his busy schedule, he sometimes forgets to strip out. Or so I’ve heard.

Some have said that his monocle actually contains a Green Athermal Shade 14 Glass Welding Lense. But that’s all hearsay.

One thing is for sure: The Ghost of Eustace Tilley rarely, if ever, finds a need to use his slide ruler anymore. And he doesn’t plagiarize!


See, it’s called “leveraging.” You are efficient, goal-oriented, proactive, and entrepreneurial when you take others’ work and use it to achieve your own objectives…

Why the hell was her plagiarism not discovered after she turned her thesis in? 16 years later and news sources dig it up? What’s up with that?


Yes, GOET is or TPM hidden figure

Good. They next step is for her alma mater to strip the cheatin’ bitch of her doctorate.


One beautifully killed job at a time…

p.s. Looks like you caught two more fish.


Columbia should strip her of her Phd


you nailed it. that’s what this is really about.

Maybe she can use her free time to do original research for a legitimate Ph.D. dissertation.

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Is the ‘other’ Monica still around? Perfect fit for The Donald … but (thinking about it) she may be too old now - over 35. But then again she’s kinda slutty with a good size rack and lots of red lipstick. The beret always got me. And I’m sure Donnie already smokes Cubans. So yeah, it might work.

Monica is out in the Trump administration. Will Tom Price be far behind?

Georgia Congressman Tom Price is proving once again that when it comes to flouting conflicts of interest, he and Donald Trump have a lot in common. Trump’s nominee for Health Secretary, Price reportedly bought thousands of dollars in a medical-device company last year and then, less than a week later, introduced legislation to benefit it. Later, the company’s PAC donated to Price, CNN reports.



Malaria got booted out because of it —

blonde, GOP and dumb


Even if this withdrawal is a somewhat pleasant surprise, I would rank plagiarism as a relatively minor disqualification compared with Trump’s other nominees. And most of them will be confirmed. So I am afraid that Trump transition team knows what they are doing – they know that neither Trump supporters nor Republicans in Congress care about qualifications of the nominees. Therefore, they vet nominees for allegiance to the cause (Trump) not for qualifications.

Please leave that poor girl alone.



I wonder if she’s asking herself…

“What The (Bleep) Just Happened.”?

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He needs medical help for his CDS.

She decided to “pursue other opportunities?” That’s the way a favored trump supporters explains why she had to turn down a job in that administration? Guess when your suitors defend your plagiarism, you cannot be embarrassed or shamed in any way.

Most upstanding people of this country would have admitted to being a fraud and stepped away quietly. Instead, trump supporters consider people trying to make a better life by stepping across a border a capital offense but white collar stealing is a “hireable” quality. The irony and hypocrisy of trump and its supporters in smothering.

I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say you’re just being super snarky in a darcy kind of way that no one else can recognize. But if you mean to say with sincerity that Lewinsky deserves more slut shaming after all these years, then I’ll only say you need help and should participate in a feminist conscious raising group.