Ha. Ha ha! Bwwwwwaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaa! Yes, please run, Howard Schultz! Run with all your might! Spend your hoarded billions back into the economy, and make yourself more and more of a non-factor every time you open your big, fact, egotistical, tone-deaf pie hole!
Regarding this:
The California congressman was quick to agree with Schultz’s recent criticism of two Democratic presidential front-runners, calling Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) Medicare for all proposal a “no go” and questioning the constitutionality of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) new wealth tax proposal.
He encouraged Schultz to run — as a Democrat.
Yes, because what Democrats really need is a nominee who is opposed to the very thing that a vast majority of Democrats, a solid majority of independents and a plurality of Republican’ts support, so as to lose once again to Donald Trump (while shovelling tons of campaign cash into the gaping maws of the Democratic Party Consultancy Beast, which doesn’t care if their clients win or lose, just that they make bank…)
If there is a billionaire who can convince people to vote for him, I think it would be the one who convinced people to pay $5 for a fifty cent cup of coffee.
That is probably good advice, but the problem with these self funding billionaires is that they are immune from the market forces that otherwise cull the herd.
I heard an interview with him on NPR this week. His solution for the deficit is grow the economy, and we should trust him because he is a successful business man. Sounds strangely familiar, where have I heard that before?
A silver lining of Trump is that he’s inadvertently exposed how the political game is in fact rigged against regular people. This awareness is driving Dems to support more progressive policies and have more fire in their bellies. The rich fear that Dems might actually threaten their perfectly honed methods of hoarding all economic gains for themselves.
So Schulz. And it’s a matter of timing how it plays out. If Trump implodes before the GOP can put up a viable candidate, he’s there to pick up the pieces. If not, Schulz draws just enough idiotpendents to re-elect Trump. Sure, re-electing Trump risks the end of civilization, but that risk is better than the certainty of higher taxes or, worse, a deeper critique of our economic system
Schulz may be a flash in the pan, but if so, there will be another after him.
The best thing we can do is harm his business to the greatest extent possible, to drive him from the race and discourage the next guy.
If Schulz is going to rat fuck the election, it’s time to rat fuck Starbucks.
“Entitlement reforms” - really? Why would you use that inaccurate language to describe programs that people pay for. You capitulate to GOP message warriors to adopt their language like this. Why not just use the truth “who wants to address future surpluses by reducing Social Security and Medicare benefits”
I’m having trouble seeing how he’s going to get Dem votes. His “program” would seem to appeal to the likely R voter, taking votes AWAY from an R candidate (presumably T-rump or My Pants.)
Yea, his whole ‘campaign’ just looks like a naked attempt by the Davos set, to shift the Overton window even further to the right while delegitimizing the left and sadly every damn media outlet is buying in by using this ‘centrist’ language when describing his right wing economic views.
This is how the right uses the press to spread it’s memes, propaganda and define the debate as usual and here we get to watch it happen live. Booooo. Figured TPM would be better than that.