Discussion: Moderate Lawmakers' Plea To Howard Schultz: Don't Run As An Independent!

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My plea to Howard Schultz:

Don’t Run at ALL

What we don’t need is another rich guy (at least he really is rich) running. All this will do will gum up the works for whatever Democrat gets the nomination. The Republicans, the Media and especially tRump will love it


Schultz is fiscally conservative, not fiscally moderate. His only message is “Don’t tax rich people.” That puts him on the right wing of the GOP on fiscal issues, because even they don’t openly say that anymore.



Melissa McEwan (@Shakestweetz) tweeted at 3:32 PM on Tue, Jan 29, 2019:

“Billionaire” isn’t a qualification. It’s the description of a person who is hoarding more resources than they could use in 100 lifetimes while other people are starving. It’s the name for a human dragon sleeping on its pile of rubies and gold.


Rather than aspire to be president, HS would be wise to pay a manager & consultants to devise strategy by which he might pass through the eye of a needle. His body may make it well enough, but good luck with that ego…


Anyone investigate this guys financial dealings? Any connection to Russians?


I can think of a few independents who, in my view, were spoilers and did more harm than good. None won. Ralph Nader and the debacle in Florida comes to mind.
Perhaps most basically, he has no government experience. Running a business, no matter how large, is NOT like running a country. The operating rules are very different. I want someone in the Oval Office who understands how governments work, who has read the Constitution, who has a modicum of humility, and who believes in the rule of law. When I had back surgery I didn’t ask my skilled car mechanic to operate. He knows everything about how a car engine is structured and how to make it work, but that doesn’t mean his experience can or should be transferred to human anatomy.


To me, it sounds like Schultz is trying to run like a “Republican Classic, the original flavour”.
He will probably take more votes from the R side than the D side…

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Good grief…Trump laid the path…and now we know that self-promoting business “elites” are disastrous political leaders…but they just won’t stop until the voters roar…I fully expect the roar…


Also: “Cut Social Security and Medicare.”

Tim Russert and Cokie Roberts would have swooned over him back in the day.


It’s time for ranked choice voting everywhere. Probably would have saved the world from Bush in 2000 and Trump in 2016. Would have saved Maine from Paul LePage.


I’m totally fine with Shultz running… in a major party primary.

He certainly is closer to a Republican in his “protect the rich” platform.

I suspect he would run as a Republican, but knows he isn’t overtly racist enough.


“Peters warned that a Schultz independent candidacy would hurt Democrats
with the upscale suburban independents who fueled the 2018 Democratic
wave election.”

But that is actually Schultz’s point, he wants to take those people away from Ds.


Here’s an idea: Let’s stop paying attention to Howard Schultz.


Run the company out of business.

ETA…The GENIUS of the Right…We like to use many well-deserved terms for Right-wingers…but they were smart enough to take over an established party, the GOP, instead of starting a different Right Wing Party.

Therefore…this Schultz business is Trumpian…in the sense that it’s ratfucking in plain sight

People, people don’t get your panties in a bunch, he is just a flash in the pan.


He’s a uniter, not a divider! LOL!


Actually, Schultz might have a pretty good chance…if he ran in 1988.


Oh, but we so enjoy making fun of this entitled asshole! Party pooper!

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As soon as Schultz starts talking about “changes” or “necessary cuts” to Social Security and Medicare - and you know he will - you will hear the whooshing of the blade and the sound of his head plopping into the basket.