Discussion: Moderate GOP Rep. Says 'Malleable' Trump More Electable Than 'Rigid' Cruz

I wish I were. She’s number one in my book and WICKED SMART.


… arguing that the real estate mogul would be easier to guide and work with.

Yeah. Good luck with that shit.


That link is just the latest on their site. Here’s a link about how they got started: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2016/01/23/virginia-tech-expert-helped-expose-flint-water-crisis/79251004/


Delusional. But as a Democratic Party supporter, I’m okay with either Trump or Cruz.


Thank you for the link and kudos to the Flint newspapers but can we agree that it didn’t get much coverage until Rachel started harping on it.

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I’m probably being lazy by ignoring Godwins Law, but, seriously, didn’t the Germans think that about Lt. Hitler too?


The next GOP politician to say that should be required to explain that opinion.

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Yup. But I don’t actually believe that.

I have yet to see evidence of Cruz’s intelligence.


Chammy, I don´t mean to take anything away from Maddow, but here, for instance, is an article from Oct. 4 from The Guardian talking about the state of emergency that had been declared, so it´s not like it wasn´t already a story in November. I´ve known about it for a while before that, as my brother lives in one of those ¨rich parts¨ of Flint, where, BTW, the water has tested about average for the city. “No neighborhoods were safe,” said Marc Edwards, a professor of civil engineering at Virginia Tech.Here.

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Completely unrelated…good for this Republican–

Once again…fuck you, Chris Christie…you giant scumbag.

The civil engineering professor tested Walters’ water last spring and found lead levels he had not seen in 25 years. In response, Edwards assembled a team of Virginia Teach researchers, traveled to Flint to test the water, set up a website and paid $150,000 out of his own pocket to get the work done.

He´s a legitimate hero, in my book.


“Cruz’s intelligence.” Who set the rules by which his intelligence is gaged? The assholes at Princeton and Harvard who admitted him? I just bet he was admitted because he milked his father’s life story and last name for all it was worth… Ted Cruz – affirmative action hero. Now everyone is obliged to genuflect to the Harvard grad. Nothing this vile poseur has done or says suggests that he has deep intelligence – just a braggart with an advanced flair for conniving and bullying. Cruz’s debating skills are also truly wretched – unless you consider straw men to be worthy substitutes for facts and logic.

AND so is Bernie Sanders an ideologue {extremist}. I want you Sanders people to take heed. That is why Sanders will not be able to accomplish Health care for all, Free college for everyone, Jobs for everyone, Foreign Policy the way he wants it

He’s Melaniable, not malleable.

Sanders is just the opposite as a moderate Democrat! He is an IDEologue at its worst!

Dubya was a graduate of multiple Ivy League schools.

I am no longer impressed by schools whose appeal is East Coast Networking.

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A quick search shows an article from the NYT from March of last year. Look, I have loads of admiration for RM, but to suggest that she is even close to single-handedly responsible for the popularization of the story is just not right.

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Beat me to it; can’t make this point often enough. Wish there were a “super-like” button.

Hells yes!

This story is a perfect case study on poverty/institutional racism/bad government on one hand and activism/citizen science on the other. Could stand more coverage here, but TPM only does racism when it’s sensational stuff like cops shooting people, not, ironically, when it has anything to do with policy and governance like Flint water or Philly schools.

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Didn’t recognize your name, so checked your posting record in your profile. The impression I had was this:

Extreme abrasiveness will bring you isolation, not influence.