Discussion: Moderate GOP Rep. Says 'Malleable' Trump More Electable Than 'Rigid' Cruz

Discussion for article #245103

I wasnā€™t aware there were any moderates left in todayā€™s GOP.


a winning general election coalition

ā€¦ like what?


This is hilarious. Moderate republicans for Trump. The republican establishment gets their candidate after all. I thought Trump was going to be the anti establishment candidate. How sad.


I must have missed the TPM article on moderate white nationalistsā€¦

President ā€œLandslideā€ Romney totally agrees. He even offered to let Derpy-D borrow his malleability enhancement deviceā€¦


This is way off topic but since this is a new story it will get some attention and hopefully my comment will do the same.

Rachel Maddow is the best journalist in this country. She singlehandedly brought the story to its attention and has stayed on the Flint, Michigan poisoned water story way back in November of 2015. The story is now front and center and things are getting done slowly but surely and maybe even end in the resignation of Governor Snyder. There are so many facets to this story and I am appalled and disgusted that this story hasnā€™t received much if any attention here at TPM. Rachel being the modest person she is is giving credit to the people of Flint who came to her because they had no one who would listen to them. Now it has come to light that the rich neighborhoods of Flint have been receiving cleaner water than the poor neighborhoods. This is a disgrace of epic proportions and it should be front and center on TPM and other places as this is an important story If anyone is interested, Rachel is hosting a town hall in Flint Michigan tomorrow night on MSNBC at 9PM easter, 6 PM Pacific


Honest to Godā€¦screw the country but weā€™ll support Trump because heā€™s more ā€˜malleableā€™ā€¦wow.


Iā€™m with bkmn: there are no moderates left in the GOP. Dent describes himself as a conservative, and thatā€™s what he is. The radicalization of the Republican Party has led to a peculiar skewing of our political vocabulary: any Republican who isnā€™t a crazy radical reactionary gets called a ā€œmoderate.ā€


Trump is malleable? As in willing to negotiate and change his demands? And this is an example of moderate republicansā€¦


[Dent told the New York Times that the Republican nominee ā€œmust build a winning coalition that extends beyond the Republican base.ā€

ā€œSome Republican presidential candidates are in demographic denial,ā€]

So he goes with Trumpā€¦ What Dent says is an Orwellian smorgasbord of derp.



I think he means Trump is dumber than Cruz, so he is easier to manipulate.


I have no particular beef with Maddow, but Marc Edwards and his team at Virginia Tech deserve the greatest kudos for bringing this issue to light.


Everybody hates Cruz, but the Mexicans, the Women, the Muslims, the Blacks, the Iowans, and even the anti-hate Sikh protesters love Trump.


Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha as well.


Trump isnā€™t such a bad guy. I think he likes me actually. Iā€™m not Black, Hispanic, a woman, disabled, a Muslim, an immigrant and Iā€™ve never been taken prisoner in a war. Iā€™m in his tribe, so to speak.


No, some conservative Republicans are just dumb as a box of rocks.

Heheā€¦while I totally agree about the importance of keeping that story front and center, I have to ask: Is that you, Rachel?

The people of Flint reached oit to Rachel to help them and she immediately dug into the story and has given full credit to Dr. Attisha for noticing the problem in the children and has interviewed her on many occasions. She has been on the story since November of 2015 - I donā€™t know about the link you sent but that letter is dated January 2016. Let us be fair and give credit where credit is due and that is to all who spoke up and out but Rachel has stayed on and with this story and because she apparently appeals to an audience who could help, many celebrities have donated millions of dollars in water and now Pepsi and Coke are delivering millions of gallons of water.


There are two types of republicans today. Those that have been declared RINOs and those that will. Because conservatism doesnā€™t fail, people fail it.