I seriously doubt this guy has been inside a synagogue or temple in years. Probably doesn’t even consider himself much of a Jew or he’d have had a whole different attitude and perspective on this.
I personally can’t understand how someone who identifies themselves as a Jewish person could not be more incensed by what happened in Charlottesville…and I’m not even talking about a very religious Jewish person either. Anyone culturally connected to the community, or may only listen to a sermon once a year on Yom Kippur, would know this was wrong and there is no equivocating, giving false equivalency to bigots, let alone actual nazis; nor does that give him the right to come to the defense of anyone that has done so, even if its the Pr*sident of the United States. There are no various shades of grey here…only one putrid shade of orange vomit spit out by America’s low-life nazi-loving white supremacist sympathizing Dictator-in-Chief.
When someone is this wrong on something in which millions paid their lives, there’s no defense for what we all fucking heard and observed with our own eyes. You make your mother ashamed Mnuchin…and I can finally say you look as dumb as you sound. Being filthy rich doesn’t mean smart, better or more noble. That’s something I hope people are beginning to learn in this country because you’re none of those things and probably never were. Got that. Done here.
These Yalies should really appeal to Mnuchin’s rabbi if he has one. I wonder if he even bothers to show up on the High Holy Days this year as a member in good standing somewhere. I suspect he’ll find something more important to busy himself with during that period of time…probably finding a way to jeopardize the full faith and credit of the United States if he doesn’t give that Orange Julius what he wants instead. Nice work asshole. Now I’m done.
Except this because this just about tells you how opportunistic these types of bullshitters are that have no real moral compass when it gets right down to it:
Sleazy, opportunistic apologist. Shameful deflection away from the deep moral equivocation by trump.
I simply cannot believe that anyone, let alone someone Jewish, would step up and try to defend this completely indefensible president and his statement.
Jared? Ivanka? Bueller?