Discussion: MLB Player Suspended For Charlotte Tweets: Dead 'Thug' ‘Cracks Me Up!’

Maybe the MLB should start up a franchise for people like him and their fans. The Mississippi Night Riders. The Kansas City Klan. The Leesburg Lynchers. The Alabama Aryans.


I will be stealing that!!!


Please judge me on the basis of a statement concocted by a hastily hired publicist, and not on the basis of things I personally said spontaneously in a medium that creates a false impression of privacy in its users’ minds.


I think his full statement is worse:
Statement from Steve Clevenger

"First and foremost I would like to apologize to the Seattle Mariners, my teammates, my family and the fans of our great game for the distraction my tweets on my personal twitter page caused when they went public earlier today. I am sickened by the idea that anyone would think of me in racist terms. My tweets were reactionary to the events I saw on the news and were worded beyond poorly at best and I can see how and why someone could read into my tweets far more deeply than how I actually feel.
"I grew up on the streets of Baltimore, a city I love to this very day. I grew up in a very culturally diverse area of America and I am very proud to come from there. I am also proud that my inner circle of friends has never been defined by race but by the content of their character. Any former teammate or anyone who has met me can attest to this and I pride myself on not being a judgemental person. I just ask that the public not judge me because of an ill worded tweet.
“I do believe that supporting our First Amendment rights and supporting local law enforcement are not mutually exclusive. With everything going on in the world I really just want what is best for everyone regardless of who they are. I like many Americans are frustrated by a lot of things in the world and I would like to be a part of the dialogue moving forward to make this a better world for everyone.
" I once again apologize to anyone who was offended today and I just ask you not judge me off of a social media posting. Thank you and God bless everyone.”
Steve Clevenger

The first to get the apology is the Mariners not the family of Mr. Scott, not the people protesting, but the bosses.


Was this guy the guitar player or the banjo player in the movie Deliverance?


Maybe MLB can reinstate collisions at home plate, but only with good ol’ boy catchers.


Wow, a Mariners player?! (Sorry, I grew up in Seattle and have good memories of the city.)

If there was ever a more tolerant environment to be playing in and then to spout this kind of hate.

Sad and pathetic, real team player.


Yeah, but the Cubs got Arrieta for him. Guess who came out on top in that deal


He’s only on a one-year contract for $517,000. I’m not sure how MLB payments are stretched, but Clevenger just lost roughly $31-32k and likely won’t be invited to spring training next season. Given his playing history and age, he may have trouble signing on with another team on anything more than a one-year, non-guaranteed contract.


“I am sickened by the idea that anyone would think of me in racist terms. "

Don’t want people to think you’re racist? Don’t say racist stuff on twitter. Easy.


“I am sickened by the idea that anyone would think of me in racist terms. My tweets were reactionary to the events I saw on the news and were worded beyond poorly at best and I can see how and why someone could read into my tweets far more deeply than how I actually feel,” he said. “I once again apologize to anyone who was offended today and I just ask you not judge me off of a social media posting."

Don’t want to be judged to be a racist based on your social media postings?

Try this: Don’t post racist shit on social media.

I know, it’s a difficult concept. Hopefully your suspension will give you some time to work your way through the logic of that. And I would wholeheartedly support extending your suspension indefinitely, giving you all the time you need to get there.

In the meantime, kindly catch the next boat to Fuckoffityland.


Sorry, I was late in responding, just watching the Cubs spank the Cardinals, again… 5 - 0 shut-out in the 8th…


Being a Mariners fan for 30 years is depressing enough. Why do I need to also suffer this asshole?

BTW, this guy was the back up to the back up. He’s a shitty player that seems to keep getting traded for good players. They need to DFA his ass.


Oh come on – they’ve got 10 games left – and anyway – he was on the injured reserve … although that will amount to all of a bit under $32,000 … so ya … how about next season too … or maybe only face pitchers with a nasty inside fastball.


Baseball already has an image problem with African Americans. “I don’t want to be thought of as a racist” is not the same as “I am not a racist.” For some people, twitter is a disease.


Sorry, but it would never occur to me in a million years to say or think the things he tweeted. Yeah, we think you’re a racist.

Build a bridge and get over it.


I see he’s got the standard Republican “apology” down pat:

“I once again apologize to anyone who was offended today”

“The rest of you know what I’m talking about.”


This guy makes HRC’s case about “deplorables”.
I’m glad he’s only wearing a baseball uniform, and not a uniform that’s important.


The problem for this ignoramus is that everyone knows that no one hates on just one group of people. Who else does he not approve of? I mean Seattle is a groovin kind of town. Please God, somebody give him a couple of beers, their iPad, and talk to him about gay rights.


[quote=“lastroth, post:24, topic:43963”]
I once again apologize to anyone who was offended today and I just ask you not judge me off of a social media posting. Thank you and God bless everyone."
[/quote]Not to lastroth, who just provided the full text, but to Mr Clevenger directly

I don’t need your thanks, and I don’t want you to ask God to bless me.

How about if I was not actually offended, not even surprised.

It turns out you can’t live in the country surrounded by self-deluded assholes like this and stay sane if you are constantly surprised when they spout off racist crap, whether on twitter, or just in bars and construction sites. It just make me very very sad and somewhat depressed that crap like this should be expected, and about the nature and character of so many people in this country who think of themselves as good guys because they are only secretly or somewhat racists, or don’t actually have a clue what racism is.

His inner circle of friends isn’t defined by race, but I’d bet a lot that he never spouted off crap like that to their faces either.