Discussion: Mitt Romney To Speak Thursday On 'State Of The 2016' Race

What was that old billboard Reps used to put up to taunt Democrats? “Miss me yet” with a picture of GWB? Think they’ll start doing the same to taunt Reps using Mitt? He should do that just to get the laugh.

They HATE mittens. Why would they listen to him now?

Oh wait, they won’t.

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Mittens mounting a rescue mission? Oh please proceed!!!

I tingle with anticipation.

One of two things is bound to happen tomorrow morning -

  1. Drumpf holds some sort of “spontaneous” outrageous event at 11AM a la Tundra Barbie’s NH visit during Mitt’s announcement that he was entering the race in 2012

  2. Drumpf’s starts an anti-Willard twitter frenzy

I guess “all of the above” is also an option.


Please Mitt, please throw your hat in the ring again. It’s always so much fun to watch you looking awkward and humiliate yourself again.

It absolutely was Marla Maples - it was an enormous scandal in NY at the time - the tabloids went crazy. Then he married poor Marla in a tacky extravaganza wedding at the Plaza.

She left him a few years later and fled to California.



why doesn’t he just go.the.fuck.away.


Romney has passed his expiration date. What content of any value could he possibly contribute?

Oh, I see. University of UT. Leave it to Utahans to put a serious and mainstream face on the hateful speech that’s been coming out of the GOP.

I think Mitty Romney should use some of the money he made from stealing pensions and from his Latin American right wing death squad friends to help Rubio.

Yep, guarantee his handlers have a plan to inject him as a CONTENDAH. You just wait and see and don’t forget I told ya.

Be sure they’ve got a plan to disrupt the GOP convention and drag Mittens to the stage.

I think they did something like this with FDR first time he got nominated.

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Fred’s dead, baby, Fred’s dead.

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I cannot understand why the University of Utah is hosting this seething cesspool of frothy santorum. The University is becoming a tool of the Republican party.


This is exactly what occurred to me as well.

I hope he does. Rubio then becomes (sort of) the “Establishment” darling because the only candidate that the “Establishment” hates almost as much a Trump is Cruz. And, of course, HRC would easily beat Rubio.

The GOP is NOT the Mormon church where you must slavishly do as your told when instructed by a ‘Bishop’. My guess is he is going to offer up some Baptisms For The Dead, namely the many dead clowns in this GOP Rodeo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baptism_for_the_dead

“Here I come to save the day!!!”

He’ll be warming up the old etch-a-sketch until then. Romnerd has no opinion on anything that can’t be reversed or altered by the end of the same day that he made it.

I will believe it, when Mitt releases his tax-returns in full for the last 10 years…

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