Discussion: Mitch McConnell Won't Rule Out Taking Back His Trump Endorsement


Like anyone cares about his opinion?


“We are not going to be competitive in presidential elections appealing only to white voters and particularly writing off white women,” McConnell told Bloomberg. "So beyond the unfortunate part of the various things that our nominee has said—it’s not smart politically.”

He got that right, even if he pretty much screwed up the delivery. McConnell is starting to get very nervous,and I expect he is going to be in an out and out panic by the time the conventions close.


you shoulda checked the Return and Exchange Policy BEFORE you made the acquisition… you bought him you OWN him…


“I’m not going to speculate about what he might say, or what I might do," McConnell told Bloomberg News in a podcast. "But I think it’s pretty clear and I’ve been pretty clear publicly about how I think he ought to change direction and I hope that’s what we are going to see.”

Well Monday should be very interesting to him then.


“We are not going to be competitive in presidential elections appealing
only to white voters and particularly writing off white women,”
McConnell told Bloomberg. "So beyond the unfortunate part of the various
things that our nominee has said—it’s not smart politically.”

I see Mitch is trying out his new stand-up routine. Good luck with that.

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It remains clear that the GOP doesn’t give a rats ass about Trump. They only care about down ballot elections. Trump is/was a means to an end. That strategy is unraveling before our eyes.

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Idiot liar.

After leaning in Trump for a couple of weeks to “pivot”, Donald Trump wakes up today and tweets: “Pocahontas is at it again! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the least productive U.S. Senators, has a nasty mouth. Hope she is V.P. choice”

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Wow. Implosion imminent. I don’t think even Captain Kirk could save this ship.

Just scrolling down the last few minutes of Live Wire postings:
-Carson says Trump doesn’t think before speaking
-Biden supports Hillary
-Conference host asks audience to respect their leader
-Mitch MConnell looking for an off-ramp
-Mitch says Trump doesn’t know anything


McConnell shouldn’t be talking about about Trump/Clinton’s negative disapproval ratings as a disqualifying factor unless he slits his own throat (figuratively, of course) due to Congress’ disapproval ratings consistently being in the high-70s. Glass houses; stones; etc.


Yes, this is definitely the Republican Kobayashi Maru scenario.


McConnell withdraws thumb from mouth, holds up to see which way the wind is blowing.

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Substitute “ass” for mouth and you’re gold.

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Rats and sinking ships, like fools and their money…


One can only speculate as to the tortured logic that would cause Mitch to change his mind. As they say, it would be a “doozy!”

Indeed. Even voter suppression efforts won’t make up for losing women and facing an energized non-white vote.

They need more fear. Cue the New Black Panther faux stories on Fox. Maybe they can find an ISIS connection.

Jeebus’ Christ…McConnell’s the tru GOP pol huh? “I will definitely support Trump, maybe, perhaps, certainly, unless, we’ll wait and see…blah, blah, blah…”
He’s beginning to make Mittens seem like an oak in the wind, as Yertle’ McConnell goes any way the wind blows…

Oh, of course it’s in line with his usual steadfastness: “We believe the incoming president should fill the vacancy left by Scalia’s passing.” …Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…unless Hillary wins, and then we want Garland confirmed ASAP.


Ah, the old false equivalence, “Nobody likes THEIR candidate either!”

Yeah, Mitch, they’re like two sides of the same coin…glug, glug, glug.

McConnell is suffering from a deeper issue impacting the GOP; which is, the establishment has lost control of the party and is now at odds with its own base.

And its own base is completely unhinged and out of control.

The rise of Trump destroys any conception of ideology…there are no long term policy issues to rally around. This is partially because there really haven’t been any real policy issues arising from the right in the past 30 years, and nature abhors a vacuum. Its just in this case the vacuum is being filled with a “new” sort of empty.