Discussion: Mitch McConnell: Remove Statue Of Confederate President From State Capitol

Discussion for article #237773

The racist-cochroaches are now scurrying for the darkness under the refrigerator as fast as their little legs can carry them as the light of truth shines upon them.
Time for the RAID.


Uuuuhhh yup, that sure… seems like the way things are goin’… Seems like… a good mooove…

-Yertle the Senator


“With regard to my own state, we curiously enough have a statue of Jefferson Davis in the capitol in Frankfort,” McConnell said at a Senate news conference. “Davis’ sole connection to Kentucky was he was born there, he subsequently moved to Mississippi. And Kentucky of course did not secede from the union.”

McConnell took issue with “the appropriateness of continuing to have Jefferson Davis’ statue in a very prominent place in our state capitol."

He’s exactly right. Those are words I don’t think I have ever used to describe anything the turtle has ever said, nor are they words I will likely ever use again in the future in regards to a McConnell statement.


The heat is on. So …

The turtle and all other cold-blooded creatures take on the temperature of their surroundings. They are hot when it is hot and cold when it is cold. They will change their environment to help regulate their temperature.


“McConnell: Remove Statue Of Confederate President From State Capitol.”

Republicans accusing the President of leading from behind rush to lead from behind.


One hundred fifty years behind.


There’s website dedicated to proving Jeff Davis wore a dress to escape. Gotta love the Internet.


Absolutely, he is right. I don’t get it–why is there a statue of Jefferson Davis in the capitol? Does anyone know the story here? When did it go up? I’m guessing the 50’s or 60’s, because it probably wasn’t the 1800’s. Who put it up?

It’s about damn time people started abandoning the symbols of the Confederacy! The Confederacy doesn’t exist, hasn’t existed since 1865, and its entire existence was an attempt to destroy the United States of America. In other words, the Confederacy was treason!!


especially in states that weren’t part of the confederacy.


McConnell took issue with “the appropriateness of continuing to have Jefferson Davis’ statue in a very prominent place in our state capitol."

He suggested that perhaps “a better place for that would be the Kentucky History Museum, which is also in the state capitol."

Or, you know … the garbage dump?

I’m just throwing that idea out there.


This is just like They Live, except Roddy Piper needed special glasses to see the monsters. Here, the monsters have always been apparent, and GOP pols are just craven dumbfucks.

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Wow, Mitch McConnell. Just wow.

You really have nerve.

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Forgive me if I don’t want tot play nice with ll these Republicans, like McConnell having their ‘come to Jesus meeting’, because the rest of corporate America is finally catching on the the fact that this is racist. We Liberals told you so for the last 50 years! Where have you been?


Well, even though Kentucky didn’t leave the Union, it had a LOT of southern sympathizers. Kentucky was a slave state as well…it didn’t abolish slavery like Maryland and Missouri did, for instance.

It was installed in the capitol in 1933, because he was born in Kentucky (though he grew up in Mississippi). Its on the same floor with a bunch of other statues to various Kentucky politicians through the ages. There is also a huge 300’ plus monument dedicated to him in the town of his birth in Kentucky (as well as tons of other statues and monuments dedicated to him all over the South. Florida even recognizes his birthday as a holiday).


I discovered this ‘atrocity’ when my son was sworn in to be a public defender for Louisville. He literally went bananas listening to a speech urging the young lawyers to uphold the constitution while staring at the
Davis statue in the Rotunda. After we calmed him down we did some research and found out that it was erected and donated by the Daughters of the Confederacy as a gift to the people of Kentucky.


“With regard to my own state, we curiously enough have a statue of Jefferson Davis in the capitol in Frankfort,”

“One day, there was a bang of black smoke and there it was. You could’ve knocked me down with a feather from the white chicken the President was sacrificing to his sulfurous horned god!”

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Amazing! Absolutely amazing as to how defensive they’ve become. I expect some reprobates out there are may be taking great offense at being thrown overboard by their leaders, and therefore, may act out with violence. I hope law enforcement is vigilant.


“I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky.” Abraham Lincoln