Discussion: Missouri Senate Passes 8-Week Abortion Ban Bill, No Rape Or Incest Exemptions

I’ve heard many people say that these bills are really about returning women to a place of subservience, and that’s surely an important element of the anti-abortion movement. But I don’t think it’s a coincidence that most of the current raft of bills come from states in which, historically, women, native Americans, African-Americans and other groups have been marginalized. In the end, it’s about the right to marginalize people on the basis of their status.


This should make everyone feel better today.

They were on their way to Lugar’s funeral. I’m sure it was all very innocent.


The scope and time alloted for Sherman’s orders were in hindsight entirely too restrictive.


Heh. You made me do some research on that.

Q-Tip Man and Yertle I understood but not CJ Roberts. Turns out, Roberts, who was born the day after I was years earlier, was raised in IN.

I’m sure there ware hearty laughs about the upcoming challenge to Roe.



I think it was wrong in the first place to give a time limit to abortion. It turned the discussion into “when does life begin” and all we have seen is the continually narrowing of that limit. Abortion is about personal beliefs!


This is some serious shit here.

But Clinton met Lynch on the tarmac! She later recused herself in the Clinton email case. :angry:

ETA, of course we know Scalia and “Shoot’im in the Face” Cheney were hunting buddies. Nothing going on there either.


I met Lugar in an airport years ago. He was sitting with an aide sipping coffee, just the two of them. I walked over, introduced myself, and thanked him for his work in seeking to control and track nuclear weapon stockpiles. Before I reailized it I was sitting with him, engaged in a conversation about his work, for several minutes. Very gracious man, especially in indulging me in a bit of talk.


Lugar was a Republican in a very different era.


A message to white women: All we Dems need is for you to increase your support of Dem candidates at the ballot box from President on down by a net 3%-5% over 2018 levels to end this nonsense. Think you can do it?


Liberals my entire life have been screwing up the abortion debate. What we’re seeing is partly a reflection of that.

They either just accepting the rights terms (we will put a time limit on it) which frames the debate how the right wants it (like almost every topic in our politics) and allows a continual ‘compromise’ when laws are discussed that pushes the time limit further and further to the rights liking.

By being too ‘nice’ and not wanting to ‘offend’ someones beleifs, so they rarely confront the ‘it’s a baby’ crap with a plain old ‘NO it’s NOT a baby and that is stupid’. If all people ever hear is ‘baby baby’ baby’ and “choice” you end up convincing them that it is a ‘baby’ and if they really believe that then there is no such thing as ‘choice’ by default. Liberals have been having the wrong argument.

Or they take the ‘we hate abortion and think it’s bad too but…’ route which just enforces the idea in the publics mind that abortions is something that terrible and needs to be stopped.

The pro-choice voices that say ‘hey, it’s NOT a baby that’s stupid, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting one’ just aren’t put forward from the left and so this is the country you get.


When asked why the Missouri abortion ban bill is being offered, its sponsor Rapey McIncestLover explained: “the bitches deserve punishment”.


In the late 70’s, the religious right only picked abortion as their new fight because it had lost their fight for segregation.

It was never about morality. It was always about control.

‘The Real Origins of the Religious Right’- ⁦@POLITICOMaghttps://t.co/UKtRVDfomN

— Brittany Packnett (@MsPackyetti) May 15, 2019

What is in it for these people? Do they think they get an extra gold star on their report card and get to go to the front of the line while waiting at the pearly gates?

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That was a pragmatic solution to an impossible dilemma. If the Court approached it as a binary question, that abortion is always illegal from the time of conception or always legal up to the time of delivery, it would produce an absurd result. Hence the no governmental interest, some governmental interest, overriding governmental interest trimester plan set forth in Roe. The real turning point was in Casey where the Court replaced the easily measured trimester plan with the viability standard, i.e. when can life be sustained, that the fundamentalists then used to reframe abortion from a biological question into a theological belief.


And like a lot of other things, they will deserve it. When you stop being willing to fight for your rights, you loose them. There is absolutely no push back other than a handful women with stupid signs, here in Georgia not even that, so if Georgia women don’t care or agree with the laws because Jesus or stuff, what can you do?


It’s about a woman’s right to control her own body.

To my way of thinking, this right is pretty much absolute.


That presumes a few million self loathing humans that feel they deserve being beaten, oppressed, underpaid and devalued can be motivated to vote.
That there are women registered as Republicans and voting thusly speaks to the paucity of self esteem and low opinion of self worth within their gender.



I wonder where Missouri falls on the scale.


Ask them “Where the hell is that sammich!?!?!”