Discussion: Missouri GOPer's Aide: State Party Chair Should Resign Over Alleged 'Whisper Campaign'

Discussion for article #233951

hancock didnā€™t even attend the funeral servicesā€¦ which speaks to his complicity in schweichā€™s suicide.


Chairman of Republican Party in the state who wants to be governor wonā€™t resign, of course, heā€™s a Republican, and a member of the party of personal responsibility which never can take responsibility for the foolish and disastrous things they do and say.


Decent Republicans (there must still be a few left somewhere, right?) ought to demand he resign. But weā€™re talking Missouri here, and Republicans, so donā€™t get your hopes up for anything that even remotely resembles decency.

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Yup, this is the state where a Republican ran for the U.S. Senate last time around who claimed that there were ā€œgoodā€ rapes? No, he said that the womanā€™s body rejects a fetus naturally when itā€™s the result of ā€œlegitimate rapeā€? Am I right?

Republicans, Missouriā€¦admitted to the Union as a slave state by the Maine/Missouri Compromise back in the 1800ā€™sā€¦ not much has changed there in terms of any Republicanā€™s mindset. E.G. Ferguson, MO


Heā€™ll lay low for a couple of months and then step back into running the state GOP.

ā€œI believe with all my heart that John knew what he was doing,ā€ Jackson told the news website. ā€œHe knew the reaction he was seeking from people. He knew what he was trying to get out of people.ā€

Says a lot about ā€œthe peopleā€.


Apologies for how Iā€™m putting this, but I think it matters: was Schweich being accused of being ethnically Jewish, or was he accused of being a secretly practicing Jewā€“his membership in a Christian church notwithstanding?

Obviously either ā€œaccusationā€ speaks to some deeply ugly views, if this was going to be an effective line of attack against Schweich, but theyā€™re very different kinds of ugliness. One plays into the whole half-racist, half-theological animus that certain Christians hold against Jews as a ā€œtribe,ā€ and the other plays into the conspiratorial Obama-is-a-secret-Muslim paranoia where even the churches are being infiltrated by evildoers.

Anyone heard enough of the ā€œwhispers,ā€ or know the local politics well enough, to say either way?

Do you REALLY think Francis Underwood is a fictional character?

He and the Mrs. are alive and well and running campaigns and committees all across the nation. Hancockā€™s just his local name.

For every creep in office, there are a dozen lower-level ops in party leadership positions who ride those coattails throughout the process.

Iā€™m not saying they are all creeps, they know who they are.

The desperate wannabe Roves, the Mean Gang (boys and girls), and the unmitigated uber-ambitious ladder climbers, all reveal their true colors eventually.

Anyone involved in the nuts and bolts of politics knows just how much authority these little power circles can accumulate over time, and Missouri has been known for more than a century as a home to some of the worst offenders.

Without creeps like these in low places, communities like Ferguson would never devolve into race-based traffic-ticket cash cows. But it is all part and parcel of the profanification (can I coin that?) of politics.

ā€¦maybe the Profanitizing of Politics?

or something like thatā€¦

Corruption is a way of life for these folks

And the fact is, if you get them drunk and animated, they actually brag about it. They are typically proud of their malfeasance, especially since they always think they somehow got away with something.


I think one might assume there are more than a few consummate conservative hypocrites among them who actually manage to maintain both positions in one confused thought process.
How many of them are or have been members of a club or organization that rejects Jews for membership?
Would Bibi be welcome in one of those lofty White Towers?
Seriously, what does this do to all their Tea Mob members who have to go back and explain to those equal-opportunity bigots what they were doing genuflecting to some imported Jew in Congress?
Never has the conservative side of our political realm been so stretched to its own limits. the inner conflicts are defining the extremities, and they donā€™t really ā€œlikeā€ each other. Conservative, racist, nativist Tea Mob types donā€™t particularly ā€œlikeā€ Jews, even (especially) billionaire Vegas merchants and Wall Street magnates, but without each other, they can not survive as a party


Hancock should resign, he is bottom feeding scum, but I donā€™t believe his Jewish whisper campaign lead to Schweichā€™s ā€œsuicide.ā€ Somebody ought to be investigating any calls to or from Schweich after his call to Messenger. I want to know if and why Schweich killed himself.

And his cowardice.

Agreed. Obviously we donā€™t know Schweich, but everything Iā€™ve read about this ordeal suggests this man was busy making plans for the near future. His ā€˜suicideā€™ doesnā€™t add up.

I seem to remember the name ā€˜spence jacksonā€™ as being a jackass in his own right.