ISIS inspired videos are perfect for the American Taliban. Please proceed.
Was the chicken living inside his body?
So this fuck-nut is arguing that a fetus is an organ and an abortion will kill the woman?
What a weirdo.
Well, it was Missouri, so you may not want to go down that line of questioning.
Just sayin’
“I’m going to show my deep respect for life by taking one, right here on live TV.”
“Some people seem to be freaking out about the chicken video,” he tweeted Monday evening. “I wonder if they know what an abortion is?”
Let me help you, Methbilly Jim:
Abortion (well, probably not, but maybe)
Nom nom nom nom now run along and fuck a goat.
So that would make the methbilly chicken groper a chicken plucker in addition to being a motherfuc, well you get the point…
“God gave man dominion over life.”
Like The Good Book says:
“Greater love hath no man than to behead a chicken on camera, and rip out its entrails with his bare hands, to force distraught women grappling with crisis pregnancies into back alleys and prisons.”
That’s the closest this goober is ever going to get to a female willing to give him a free lay…
Mr. Moon, defined…
noun: lunatic; plural noun: lunatics
a mentally ill person (not in technical use).
an extremely foolish or eccentric person.
"this lunatic just accelerated out of the side of the road"
synonyms: maniac, madman, madwoman, imbecile, psychopath, psychotic; More
fool, idiot;
informalloony, nut, nutcase, nutjob, head case, psycho, moron, screwball, crackpot, fruitcake, fruit loop, loon
"he drives like a lunatic"
adjective: lunatic
mentally ill (not in technical use).
extremely foolish, eccentric, or absurd.
"he would be asked to acquiesce in some lunatic scheme"
Middle English: from Old French lunatique, from late Latin lunaticus, from Latin luna ‘moon’ (from the belief that changes of the moon caused intermittent insanity).
According to the Supreme Court, Cletus, abortion is a constitutionally-protected right. Can you show us the precedent for chicken slaughter?
So lemme get this straight: “Methbilly Jim” (as Sniffit has so artfully christened him) just made a snuff film to show that he’s “pro-life”? Is this a John Waters movie or something?
What a fowl, chickenshit deed…
He should brood on this for a long, long time.
With Rob Zombie producing.
Did he actually use the chicken for food? If not, this qualifies as animal cruelty.
Hey! No fair using them all up at once!