Discussion for article #232941
Who else would they be seeking to control if not for women?
This is malpractice. Whatever risks involved in an abortion need to be compared to the risk of giving birth which are much higher for the woman.
With Hillary as our nominee,Missouri will be a battleground state. Pres. Obama lost MO to McCain by 3,900 votes in 2008.
Are they going to make fat guys watch open heart surgery videos?
“That’s because the government believes it owns your body,”–Andrew Napolitano said, without any trace of irony.
Too funny Austin Dave. I ask - Will they show videos of happy healthy women without children to octomoms and other breeders?
WTF is wrong with these anti-choice loons?
That is exactly right. But the possibility of birthing a baby as a result of an unwanted pregnancy sends shivers down the spines of those waging war on women, the misogynists of both sexes. This news reminds us how remarkable it was that the House republican “females” stopped an anti-abortion bill recently.
Or vasectomies because babies.
how about forcing those who want to buy guns to watch a graphic video of the aftermath of Sandy Hook, Aurora, and Tucson?
HAHAHAHAHA what am I thinking… the 2nd Amendment is the ONLY amendment. Well, other than the 1st Amendment right of wingnuts to not be criticized or ostracized for saying stupid, shitty things.
Yeah that’s where I went too.
Let’s do this for all surgery, if you want a procedure done you have to watch a video of it.
Less surgery, guaranteed. Quicker deaths. Smaller insurance payouts. Ladies and Gentlemen, the 2015 Republican healthcare plan.
And the first amendment GAWD!!
They don’t have to understand anything further.
I’m sure these lawmakers think that parents should not be forced to have their kids take vaccine shots too.
Guess so. It seems the fear and paranoia of white heterosexual males in our society real knows no bounds.
So much for the GOP’s handwringing sanctity of the relationship between doctor and patient. They believe government does know best after all.
Will each woman compelled be provided a loaded pistol and her choice of which Missouri state legislator who voted for this at whose temple she’ll be allowed to point the pistol while watching the video?
Being male, I’m disentitled from committing those directly affected by this law, but I’d call leaving out such a pistol-to-polihead provision a definite deal-breaker.