Discussion: Mississippi Senate Race Goes To Runoff

Again, this is a case of Miss. republicans voting against their own economic self interest. Senator Cochran is one of the longest serving senators and has immense seniority. If the republicans take over the Senate Cochran would hold one of the most important positions for appropriating where money is to be spent. Imagine how Miss. would fare when it came to where money goes where. Miss. voters are pretty stupid to give up billions in future funding that would more than likely come their way if Cochran was to stay in office.


Just as a general note, without reference to the quality (or lack there of) of these particular candidates, the idea that people have to vote 3x-a primary, a run-off and a general election- to elect a senator is frankly ridiculous. No wonder turn-out is so low and small groups of "motivatedā€™ loons can have disproportionate influence. California may be on the right track with a non-partisan primary and the top 2 going into the general. Or some kind of instant run-off. But this proliferation of elections is in many ways the antithesis of democracy.

Well, insofar as realizing the laziness of the voting populace I agree. But, having more chances to vote seem like more democracy to me?

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Normally, Iā€™d totally agree with you. But a McDaniel nomination on the GOP side, and with Travis Childers already nominated on the Democratic side, gives the Democrats a chance. A slim one - Iā€™d say 35 to 40% at best - but a chance nonetheless, especially if McDaniel pulls a Todd Akin between now and November.


Iā€™d like to hope so, but I think the best we could hope for is for the GOP to get bogged down having to spend money and resources to win what should be a candy-apple red state.

Congratulations to Chris McDaniels. Conservatives in the Tea Party should run their own primaries. The Republican party is full of corporate thugs and kleptocrats who are trying to use the votes of Tea Partyā€™s truly conservative supporters while trying to dismember and discredit the Tea Party itself.

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Choosing between Cochran and McDaniels and some unknown 3rd guy and them going back and choosing between Cochran and McDaniels again is choice only in a very loose definition of the word. The end result, whether itā€™s laziness or simply holding 3 jobs or having a life, is that the choice is made by a tiny fraction of the voters, often those who are interested only in a single issue.

I am making a calculation, but the odds seem pretty good that if something is going to break, its going to do so in the next few weeks now that they have 4 guys in custody. Somebody will start singing.

Phew - I pulled that assessment out of my wikibutt.