Discussion for article #245350
Someone with normal access to water has to be ignoring obvious thirst signals to get dehydrated to the point of hospitalization.
Hoping that this is indeed nothing but dehydration and if not, that there is speedy and complete recovery.
I disagree, my spouse has asthma and needs extra hydration regularly.
I think his issue is just trying to do too much after surgery, he needs to pace himself better and have people around him who understand and appreciate that.
Rest, dude.
He may have been told the water came from Flint, MI
I hope the governor recovers quickly and gets back to his duties. I wish him the best.
Mark Dayton is a wealthy man who could have just lived off his inheritance. Instead he has entered public service and been, as far as I can tell, selfless about it. He has dealt with the dysfunctional Senate and decided that one term was enough, and then ran for governor, just barely beating Toms Emmer and Horner. He won a second term in 2014 and has proven to be an agile executive, dealing not only with a mostly intransigent GOP house, but also the backstabbing of the DFL’s (MN’s Democratic party) senate leadership.
The state is doing very well under his leadership. The “no new taxes” crowd whines about the level of state taxation, claiming it makes the “business climate” bad, but MN leads the country in job creation and in many areas of livability, amenities, and education. See, for contrast, WI under Scotty-boy Walker.