Discussion: Military Planes And Navy Ships Deployed To Florida To Aid In Search-And-Rescues

De Nile is not just a river in Egypt, it should be the state motto of Florida.

Chris Roche, 52, a real estate lawyer, was taking a long hard look at the damage to his home. Three trees were down in the yard, some tiles had come off the roof and there were signs of grey mud on the road – Irma’s calling card, dredged up from the seabed and deposited right outside his door.

That was enough destruction to be getting on with. Wasn’t he fed up with the constant disruption of his life, a pounding that was certain to get worse with sea-level rise and growing weather disturbances caused by climate change?

This was the fifth or sixth hurricane he had sat through since he moved on to the island in 1979, he said with the nonchalance of someone discussing trips to the theater. He was more than a little skeptical of the warnings to evacuate which he had heard and duly ignored.

“They always tell us we will have a storm surge,” he said. “I know they are doing it for safety reasons, but I’ve never seen it happen.”

As for climate change? “I don’t think climate change is such a big deal.”

That was quite a striking comment just hours after a massive hurricane of terrifying force, some of which may have been the gift of global warming, tore through his home.

“I don’t think man is the tipping point. I think it’s more natural than that. We’re not experiencing historically close [to] high temperatures, not even close to it.”

The Florida Governor just loves using money, men and equipment that are paid for by the other 49 States.

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Navy ships, oh shit! There’s all kind of shit floating in those waters for them to hit.

We won’t know for days/weeks just how bad the destruction is, especially with more on the way.

One of the things about those ships is that (assuming they can get inshore) they have generators. So where power is out because of lost generating capacity or major distribution lines, they can make a big difference.

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Sending the military to help out in a disaster scenario is standard practice. Really the only news here is the Trump administration is doing something normal.

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