Of course. That’s their only path open to them. Too bad most of the media heathers will give them the space and oxygen to let it occur, and dutifully play along with it.
Yeah, over at /r/hillaryclinton we’ve been expecting debate 2 to kill his campaign because it’s his weakest format and it’s Clinton’s strongest. We didn’t anticipate him walking into the debate already dead.
Now if only we could say the Republican votes and voters were drying up as well.
Does desiccation count?
OK then. Walk-the-walk Gov Pence.
Drop from the ticket.
®s. No conviction. No principles.
Every great once-in-a-while, Tiger Beat on the Potomac gets it right.
Malaria finally issued a statement, concluding with “My husband has the heart and mind of a leader.”
Bullshit. Your husband has the heart and mind of a sex offender.
Both spot-on IMHO.
That townhall will be a free-for-all.
I’ll give great odds he doesn’t even show.
Well, Mike, you also would not–and could not–defend multiple
other Trump statements at the VP debate.
But instead of being criticized for that, as would happen in any normal election year,
you were praised for the dodges
(it was politely called “not taking the bait” as if dodges were an honorable thing).
You’re a lucky man, in 2016, Mike Pence…
Oh, god. I just had a deeply dismal thought. As sure as sure can be, this episode is going to go down in the Republican Book of Grievances and Infinite Payback. Like the Nixon impeachment, the Bork nomination, Harry Reid’s use of the filibuster after 2002, the the unconscionable offensive horror of Bill Clinton daring to defeat candidates they supported tepidly, this is going to one more thing that They did to Us Again. It’s going to be one more self-inflicted wound that they’ll blame on Democrats and Democrats’ unconscionable conduct, a historical grievance that they’ll use to justify and inspire an entire new generation of escalation in their ever more destructive conduct.
Crowds waiting for Ryan’s appearance are chanting “We want Trump!”
This is going to be ab fab.
Pence’s statement is a perfect two-step. Directly from faux apology to assuming forgiveness. Nowhere in there is anything about some action that might help to atone in some tiny way for his misdeeds. Just “Gee, that was wrong and indefensible, now let’s move on as if it never happened.”
The fact that the Republican Party thinks that Pence is the go to guy for a new face of the party tells you all you have to know. They created the monster that is Trump and to make it all right again they think a nearly completely failed reactionary extremist like Pence will make everything better. They learned nothing from the “autopsy” even though the results of that were basically right. Trump will lose with hope and the Republican Party will come to the conclusion that their offering wasn’t conservative enough. One can only hope for the good of the country that Trump brings the down ballot with him.
Well, of course, they’ll point back to that meeting Bill Clinton and Donald Trump had a couple years back … where Clinton planted the seed for Donald to transform himself into HO. It’s all Bill Clinton’s fault.
You know, I really don’t think so - I know they are capable of all kinds of rationalizing, but how can the Democrats be blamed for the GOP core voters nominating Trump?
No, they are not getting out from under this but they will be too embarrassed to even talk about it for very long - everyone wants HO to disappear soonest.
Really??? I guess so, but wow? Popcorn isn’t enough for this;) Maybe Bailey’s on caramel popcorn?
Trump said it when he was a dumb kid…at the tender age of 59.
ask Henry Hyde, rethugs have “youthful indiscretions” after 40
I can’t defend these words? But I’m okay with what the words described, Trump’s assault on a woman.
I am equally okay with all of Trump’s previous words about Mexicans being rapists and drug dealers, his words denigrating Muslims, Jews, African-Americans, women, Sen. McCain’s war record, attacking the Khan family, etc.
What a spineless weasel you are Gov.
Bah. Fortunately there won’t be a Republican Party soon-- to ascribe said grievance.
There might be an apparatus. There might be some long-con in the name of the GOP yet-to-come.
But just who is going to voluntarily represent them self as a Republican?
Only the grifters.
(And probably Cokie Roberts-- until someone explains it to her.)