NOW Pence realizes he fucked up…
Yes, I do hope they remember the damned tissues this time.
Beat me to it. I was going to ask why Pence didn’t use his standard debate strategy of “Trump never said that.”
Talk about having words put in your mouth! Thank you, jebus.
In a week Pence will deny that Trump ever said it
There was no righteous indignation to this HO moment either
@astralfire “Victory project” was originally gonna be vagina project but when trump took it to a different level, they had to drop it…
Off-topic, it appears that the RNC is at the least temporarily killing their mail operations for Trump and it is possible they are killing all operations for Trump
yeah, I noticed that little dick-ish thing he snuck in there. “The 11 year old video”. As if that makes it forgivable, in some way. Ya know because Trump said it when he was a dumb kid…at the tender age of 59.
To be fair, Pence really isn’t that bright of an entity. He’s obtuse … and that’s probably the nicest thing I can think to say about him. Well, that, and he has nice hair.
Life as a Bigoted Christian can be tormenting at time:
He should be in jail, but I’d settle for homeless in the Bowery.
Very on-topic. CNN also reporting that donors to RNC are drying up.
and, bc, I love that Kelly Ayotte pulled her support of Trump, and will write in Pence. Because if there is one thing Mike Pence is an advocate for, it’s women’s rights!!
Tacit consent, Mike. Tacit consent.
I’ll settle for him breaking down screaming and crying about how unfair life is on television as the final destruction of his brand before he attempts (and ultimately fails) a media empire follow-up, ending with him mortgaging all of his properties, his legacy one of failure and misery.
Hans, Franz and Lust Object having to get real jobs would just be lagniappe.
"I’m proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with…he said what…ok ok I’m proud to stand about a foot and a half away from him… Ok make that 2 feet … Wait wait let’s make that 3.5 feet … Excuse me let’s say I need a ten foot pole to measure with.
This is the strategy. Both Pence and Ryan have implied that this is not Trump’s true heart and tomorrow night he will reveal what a great guy he is, and how no one respects women more than him. Pivot to Bill Clinton.
At politico there’s also this story about how the town hall format could be the nail in the coffin for the trump scampaign It requires him to be all the things he’s incapable of being, namely articulate, thoughtful, calm and civil.