It must drive Huck nuts that Carson is coming in and stealing his grifting act and siphoning money from the rubes that Huck has been targeting for years.
The sharks are circling.
Perhaps not. But you are certainly willing to let people, especially women, die for lack of proper health care, you sanctimonious POS.
It is hard to be the new boy in class…
Whatta guy! He’s written more books than he’s ever read.
“…but I taught my boy how to hang a dog!”
How pathetic when the greatest boast you have is that you never violently assaulted anyone, including your mother with a hammer, nor written about anything like that, that never happened. I guess hold out the chair for Mike, he can be prez now, he never hit his mother with a hammer! What a pluperfect a-hole.
I never hit my mother with a hammer and I never stabbed anybody
There’s your problem, Huck. If you did, you’d probably be polling above 25%. The bar for crazy has been raised for the GOP and Huck must have missed the memo.
But, what is that about your son and a dog?
Ya, Mike. But how many times did she want to hit you?
He’s just pissed that not only did he not assault anyone, but he’s white too and his numbers are still behind. Perhaps this is Huck’s time for the 40 days in the wilderness.
And tomorrow Jeb will say, “Yeah, me too, I never hit my mother with a hammer either.”
Carly: “American mothers don’t want hear about getting hit in the head with a hammer.”
This is really getting fun.
I Never Stabbed Anybody
What, is he a wimp?
why is anyone payin attention to anything for a buck huckabee says
I Never Stabbed Anybody
We are in “I am not a Witch Territory” now… enjoy the view…
Vote Republican: Most of us haven’t hit our mother on the head with a hammer.
Yeah but Jesus loves Dr Grifter Carson! He even took a picture wirh him!
Yeah, that painting. I couldn’t help noticing how tiny Jesus is compared to the clearly more important Carson.
I wonder if Huckabee ever thought about using a hammer to discipline his son:
This has got to be the best year ever for political yard signs!
Cause SOMEbody’s Doing the Raping!
The Pyramids are Egyptian Grain Elevators!
He Never Stabbed Anybody!