A casual observer might conclude, governor, that the fact that Planned Parenthood provides healthcare might qualify them as a provider of same.
PS “Benghazi” isn’t an event; it’s a place. You can find it on a map.
A casual observer might conclude, governor, that the fact that Planned Parenthood provides healthcare might qualify them as a provider of same.
PS “Benghazi” isn’t an event; it’s a place. You can find it on a map.
Also, why is Mike Huckabee burning a fetus in the background of his tweet?
Farting is the only way an asshole can speak!
What a true SICKIE!
I see Ayatollah Huckabee is not getting the press he wants so he “invents” something to get reporters to talk to him.
Huckabee: Grifting for Fun and Profit.
The Huckster hasn’t had this much attention since before Labor Day.
Men, especially you bible-thumping men, STOP!
Just stop bitching and whining about women’s health issues! They are NONE of your business!
You never hear woman telling you your rights on having a vasectomy, or a prostate exam or testicle removal!! You worry about your health, and we will worry about ours.
Well, within the GOP primary, it kind of is.
Me me me me me me, it must be about me me me,
How important can those things be, if no man ever does them?
And, even abortion is technically healthcare.
Truthiness in a pol.
How did Huckabee forget to fit Hitler in there somewhere? And earthquakes. And hippies. Always gotta add hippies. Oh, and rap music. The darkies are involved somehow, just ask Getrude, she’ll tell you all about it.
And Obama phones. And of course, ISIS, all 62 of them… Punch a hippie is my favorite though.
Republicans are like Nazis, just without compassion. Actually, maybe I’m wrong. Even Hitler cared about some things in life.
Just for starters, Mike:
Benghazi is the wild dog of the Republican ticks
Trying to reason with a republican male (or female for that matter) on the issue of women’s health is akin to trying to reason with a box of dog biscuits and expecting logic in return. I question where they got their medical degrees since they’re attempting to insinuate themselves into what ought to be strictly between a doctor and their patient (by law as a matter of fact).
Jude, I’m a guy but I have a somewhat different understanding than most men since my whole career was about reproductive physiology and ovarian cancer.
I agree with your comment that men should just butt out.
“Despicable little jerk.”
Calling Fuckabee a “little” anything shows a complete lack of proportion.