Yo, yo Mikey C if you’re gonna wear plaid to stand out then don’t stand next to another bro wearing plaid, because you’ll look like a 90’s boy band.
Full-court wretch.
This guy actually thinks he’s well dressed? O my god.
If you want to dress like a grown up, ‘Cerno’, ditch the fucking cargo shorts. And all those tight sleeves make you look well, cheap.
Elegant you ain’t. Not even on the same continent as.
Wingnut welfare drying up?
Could he possibly have decided that he’s had enough of the lies and tinfoil hat conspiracies, tired of looking at himself in the mirror every morning and not liking what he sees?
Can’t get any date with good women?
Oh, honey, your sleeves.
It’s carriage and presence that gets you noticed. Dolt.
He’s just greasing us up for his upcoming book: ‘How to Shop Like a Nazi Douche: A Complete Asshole’s Guide to Buying the First Thing You See on the Target Clearance Rack and Going About Like You’re Something Other Than a Child Trapped in a Middle-Aged Man’s Body’. I believe Ben Shapiro is writing the foreword.
Well played
It’s like ten gallons of Nazi in a five-gallon Belk-sack.
As a cargo dork I expected to be more triggered.
W(hy)TF is this on TPM? Asking for a friend.
And then being able to speak to people w/o the condescending tone.
Two observations
- The piping on that blazer is just spectacular!
- That’s a girls bike.
This tells be something…
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Thank you.
“I always stand out.”
Yes you do, Lil’ Mikey, yes you do.
Cernovich recently showed his ignorant, grifting wingnuttery when he jumped on the “get Omar” bus that was missing a wheel or two.
Why not?