"I have always represented my constituency honestly and legally. "
So your constituents are just like you? Not surprised.
SOP for the GOP.
Isn’t this just GOP SOP?
Barely newsworthy…
Great minds, etc…
America was built on pay-for-play, why I remember when Jefferson got rich gouging the Secret Service for protecting him at Mont-a-cielo.
“I have never compromised the integrity of my vote. I have always represented my constituency honestly and legally. I intend on vigorously fighting these charges and defending my reputation,”
He should resign. But being a Gooper, he has no shame.
I can’t stress this enough people, don’t commit crimes via recorded media you don’t control. The cost-benefit ratio between convenience of use and likelihood of doing jail time just isn’t favorable.
He Texted it?!?
How stupid do you have to be to put it in writing???
Someone should investigate the criminals that entrapped him with these charges.
1. Everything Is Transactional.*
*Title of Chapter One of the Guardians Of Plutocrats ethics pamphlet.
I have no doubt many or most of the Founders had various grifts going on during the nation’s formation and infancy. We lionize them far too much.
Another successful sting operation by a GOP hero against the corrupt Democrat-controlled unions.
Rolling papers? In my jeans pocket? They’re not mine, someone must have put them there.
Hobbes says it would be more respectful to tigerize them.
Charming…I’d love to rant and rail about REPUBLICAN CORRUPTION but the Dems in Illinois did the same thing…just corrupt mofos running for office. We SHOULD be cracking down on them.
A Republican?! Corrupt?! Taking bribes?!
Why, I haven’t been this shocked since that ocean liner crashed into the iceberg in the movie “Titanic”. I mean, who ever saw THAT coming?!
Texted? Does this moron need to be reminded to breathe every few seconds?