Discussion: Michele Bachmann On Trump's Victory: 'The Lord Did This' (VIDEO)

The Lord forgives, dontchaknow.

Unless, of course, your name is Hillary Clinton and you used a private email server.


The Lord loveth a cheerful pussy-grabber.


Sheā€™s a Hallmark Card of batshit crazy.


ā€œAlready we know that the glory goes to the God Almighty, the God of the
Universe, the Sovereign Lord. He is the one who did this for us,ā€ Bachmann said

It straight out of the Neo-Con book of How to Cherry Pick Intelligence to Confirm your Wacky Theories in the chapter "Good Things Happen Bad Things Happen- Guess Which Ones God Did

Stein canā€™t be blamed in this instance.

trump gained 90. Evā€™s last night.

They were in states that showed Johnson making the difference.

Iā€™m in the wrong bizness


Actually, Steinā€™s campaign cost HRC at least two states, if you are talking about political purism. Johnson likely took more votes from Trump than Clinton.

Old Testament vengeful God, maybe. But, not the New Testament sermon-on-the-mount Jesusā€¦

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Michelle, if your god did this, and he allows people like you, Trump, and your ilk into heaven, Iā€™ll take hell. Your god is deplorable.


Which two?

Johnson had 4% in at least three states that Trump won (two if NH stays blue)

Oh get off it, nitwit. You and your believers in fairy tales were conned again, just like youā€™ve been for decades, beginning with St. Ronnie, who set the stage for big, American corporations to exploit foreign labor and for the Wal-Marters to sell the cheap crap back to you suckers while gradually letting your once-good jobs go to Mexico, China - wherever - and then blame it on American labor unions. You do the devilā€™s work nitwit.


i think she should be thanking the false gods putin, comey, wiki-leaks, the crazy alt-right, and the alt right evangelicals. letā€™s also toss in white women who always vote the way daddy told them to.


I cannot listen to this crap for the next 4 years. He is NOT the second coming. GOD did not do this. GOD does not pick sides. Cā€™mon.


You are the antichrist.

Rudy Giulianiā€™s FBI brown shirt.

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Now, now. You canā€™t judge a televangelist by his house. His private jet, maybe. But not his house.



She ought to be overjoyed that Marcus will have his conversion therapy covered.

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Godā€™s a mean little bastard, isnā€™t he.


And before that Sen. Fristā€™s nanny (or was it his grandmother) gasped when she first saw him as a baby that he was blessed by God to become President. But God said ā€œNO!ā€ ā€œI want the non believing non practicing non Reagan-adoring Trump guy for the job in the future.ā€

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Of course, because God approves of men who assault women sexually. Sure. Idiot!