Discussion: Michael Flynn Cancels Montana Campaign Appearance

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Flynn cited a family emergency

“My son just got subpoenaed!”


WTH is wrong with ‘some’ people in this country? You do NOT parade a potential ‘colluder’ as a fking character reference. I don’t care WHAT state you’re in.


So I guess lying to the FBI is now a badge of honor in some circles? We’re falling farther down the rabbit hole with each unforgiving minute…


I suppose with people like Roy Moore, Blankenship, Gianforte, and Greitens as candidates or office holders, they need equally suitable people to endorse them.


“In a video posted by Downing’s campaign, Flynn cited a family emergency for the cancellation of his scheduled Sunday appearance in Billings.”

“Fortunately, Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, honorary chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, has agreed to step in as a last-minute replacement.”


White House officials said he misled them about his Russian contacts.

I remember that. Seems kind of quaint now.


“All my money comes from countries that have their nuclear warheads pointed at the United States, I’m basically a traitor and most definitely a liar, and Mueller’s gonna send me an’ junior to the federal pen.” So, ok, a family emergency


Why is it that when the media speaks of an official who speaks untruths, the verbs used are “misled” or “misspoke” or “mistakenly said?” On the other hand, when these same officials like Trump, Flynn, etc. speak of others, they always say he or she LIED and is a LIAR, etc., even when, in fact, the person so labeled is speaking the truth.

There is something grossly wrong with this.


You do NOT parade a potential ‘colluder’ as a fking character reference.

It’s not Flynn’s first campaign appearance since he plead out.
The facts about his contacts with the Russian ambassador and what he was doing for the Russians are not in dispute.
This, I suppose, says everything that needs to be said of the GOP electorate: either they’re monumentally ignorant, hypocritical or they don’t count support for selling your country among the offenses that compromise their support for a candidate.
I sense an opening market opportunity for Benedict Arnold posters and paraphernalia.


Unless Flynn is attending and/or headlining these fundraisers at Meuller’s request, Flynn is dancing on the thinnest of egg shells.


I was hoping he cancelled because he wanted to go to Colorado and check out his soon-to-be new digs at ADX Florence.


Former Trump Administration officials are having a very difficult time landing jobs in the private sector ( e.g. Sean Spicer) as is appropriate. So that leaves them with no fallback option other than a life of crime or the characterless confines of the Republican Party…but again, I repeat myself.

Republican philosophy in a nutshell: We have a dream where our children will be judged not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin.


Only Guns Only Party circles

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So Flynn walked down to the interstate and stuck his thumb out for a ride, and no one picked him up?

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Shouldn’t a prohibition against public political activity have been one of the conditions of his guilty plea?


What sort of candidate would want Flynn as a reference?

Edited addition.

One with his own criminal issues.


Flynn’s candidate - and FWIW, the reason he is a resident of California is so he can get a tax break on real estate - he’s a crook in two states! http://mtpr.org/post/troy-downings-license-violation-trial-date-delayed


I sense an opening market opportunity for Benedict Arnold posters and paraphernalia.

Fer example,
Benedict Arnold, a brilliant Revolutionary War general who was called to action when he saw the forces of the republic he was fighting for take an ominous turn.
Arnold gave meaning to the rallying cry, “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Now, you can celebrate this iconic leader of the American Revolution with your own Benedict Arnold style tea service…
And, if you order this limited issue tea service now, we’ll add two authentic replicas of Benedict Arnold era pewter ale mugs, perfect for when you are conspiring with an intimate over an evening’s night cap…
All products labeled in America.


From an 1890 dictionary misspeak is “to speak otherwise than according to one’s intention”. Apparently Ron Ziegler stretched the meaning to cover Nixon’s lies and it was downhill for language from then.

I got that from, sorry, a Safire column from 2008. It will use up one of your quota of NYT clicks, but it’s kind of interesting. Also, ten years ago he happened to discuss the very Trumpian use of “frankly”.