Discussion: Michael Dunn Gets Life Sentence For Killing Teen Jordan Davis

Discussion for article #228971

Yes! Finally, judges and juries are holding “responsible” gun owners responsible for their actions!


To paraphrase Wayne La Pierre…the only way to stop a bad (i.e. black) guy with (maybe) a gun is a drunken, racist hothead with a gun.


“He looked at his girlfriend and said I hate that thug music”

Thug Heaven without the music.


“[…} whether it was justified or not” – What a BS apology.




“I am mortified that I took a life whether it was a justified or not.”

Whether it was justified or not. So much for his apology. Adding insult to injury. He certainly has lost his way.

Have a nice time in prison, doll.


Hey, free health care for life!

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“Therefore, I too must be willing to forgive and so I choose to forgive you Mr. Dunn for taking my son’s life,” McBath said in court.

Oh wow.


When the ‘Stand Your Ground’ statute was passed in FL, it was understood that it was to give white Americans the right to shoot black Americans if they felt threatened in any way. Open Carry laws were passed for the same reason, namely, to dissuade black Americans from attacking white Americans. Stand Your Ground and Open Carry do not currently apply to black Americans and it’s unlikely that these laws ever will. All this said, I’m both surprised and heartened by the fact that Dunn was convicted of murder. Despite the fact that it was clearly cold blooded murder to any rational mind, I had my doubts that a Florida jury would convict a white guy for murdering a young black guy who was with other young black friends, all of who, based on their color and age, must be threatening to a guy like Dunn.


Another frightened goof with a gun.

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Oh oh! Looks like the Aryan Nation got themselves a new girlfriend.


Dunn is showing that he still doesn’t get it. He’s got the rest of his life to gain understanding.


I hate thug music too, along with that techno crap, and most country music. Never got the urge to shoot anyone about it though.

Well, in jail this guy’s ears will be hearing lots of thug music. What a shame…

Interesting he thought this kid was armed, but did not call 911 to report a vehicle speeding away with an armed passenger who had just threatened him. Riiiight.


There’s an epidemic of the GZS -GeorgeZimmermanSyndrome.

White folks packing heat in the hopes of being frightened into shooting black kids.


All this has left me wicked confused. So then I can shoot an unarmed teen in Florida, so long as:
A. I disobey the request of law enforcement and pursued the teen more than 500 feet?
B. The teen is wearing a hoodie?
C. The teen is packing Skittles?


“He looked at his girlfriend and said I hate that thug music,”

Yea, “thug”, that’s the word he used.


Excellent. Lock up this thug and throw away the key.


This case is a perfect example of white privilege and the belief that somehow minorities must treat all white folks as authority figures. I despise today’s country music and hate heavy metal even more, but I would never think I had the authority to tell some stranger in a parking lot to turn down their music. Dunn thought he had that authority, the right to “police” black kids. All he needed to do was ignore it and go about his business. Instead, he chose to flex his race-based authority and hassle some kids about their music. Now a kid is dead, a family is destroyed, he’ll spend the rest of his life in prison, and his children will spend the rest of their lives in a prison of his making. All because he couldn’t check his privilege. Well, at least he’ll have the rest of his life to think about it.


Turns out, jury selection is kind of different down there than it was in 1950.