“Today he stood up and testified under oath that Donald Trump directed him to commit a crime.”
When somebody explains this to Trump, he’s gonna turn even paler than Mike Pence.
Tonight on Hannity: Car chase in Hollywood, let’s go live!!
Ol’ Mick Cohen had a phone
And on his phone he taped some crimes…
E I E I O…
Everyone seems to get the picture:
Today he stood up and testified under oath that Donald Trump directed him to commit a crime by making payments to two women for the principal purpose of influencing an election.
Says who?
Ever notice how people who run on “Law & Order”
Always seem to end up running afoul of the law?
It appears that the “cooperation” from Cohen is yet to come… In rare cases someone will plead guilty by not get a formal offer of a reduction for that plea. Given the other issues with Cohen, perhaps that is what happened here.
No promise was made that is binding, but its a "we know we are screwed, best if we help you w/o a formal deal, you - and we - can argue that after the plea cooperation deserves a lesser sentence. Doing it this way will help out both Cohen (who is still hoping for a pardon and might get it) and Mueller (who is aware of how “buying testimony” looks).
Given that the sentencing is not until December, lots of time to cooperate. Or for Trump to pardon him…
Speaking of campaign buttons, this is another favorite of mine from the TL today.
What a frickin’ wonderful day!
Well, there’s a truth that isn’t going to go away, no matter how Republicans might try to spin it. Under oath, in court, which means this becomes evidence that Trump committed a felony and manipulated the campaign. That’s massive, and it really should start to undercut him, and the Republicans who refuse to hold him accountable.
And, hopefully it also starts people thinking that “if Trump would make an illegal payment to become president, then he’d work with Russia”. All it takes is a bit of doubt, and the truth (the real truth Rudy) will start to break through.
I was out hiking all day and I am just catching up. But woo hoo, it has bee quite the day. Will likely have a nice glass of red wine tonight.
Antisachedethe must have flown the friendly skies today.
Sounds like he’s speaking perfect English right now.
Also this???