I don’t think she just picked up his racist (birther) ideology out of the blue. Just look at how she and her Twitter army responded after the fairly rote Julie Iofee GQ profile.
- She’s dating Don Jr. and finds him to be far more virile.
Trump will hold Barron hostage. But she is the one who raised him. He won’t forget.
Imagine if Melania were a Democrat!
“She’s too good for her FREE room and board at the White House, and REFUSES to be First Lady of the BEST country on EARTH!?? We need to send her Commie Iron Curtain furriner ass BACK to SLOBOVIA or wherever the hell that bitch is from!”
…or worse.
To this Elec.Eng. ‘off grid’ means doing without mains-supplied electricity, which I doublt, she is probably “staying off the internet”.
War on the Homefront. Melania MIA. Better than being a POW in the White House under this dictatorship, I suppose.
I find it so interesting that everyone apparently just believes this.
Sure she’s just not online. Apparently she’s just not anywhere.
Gossip sites are reporting that she’s moved back to NYC.
It’'s more than a simple relocation since Trump is lying about where she is.
You’re assuming he knows or cares where she is.
He cares. He cares about how it makes him look.
He needs a First Lady and he knows it. Otherwise he would have left her in New York from the start. Instead he dragged her down to DC. So he cares about the look of the situation.
Maybe Shera Bechard’s abortion was the last straw.
Maybe she had to have foot surgery from wearing high heels.
Maybe she knows (and Stormy knows) that Stupid PP likes to beg.
Maybe she’s sided with Jr to flip on Stupid PP.
Maybe PP punched her in the face.
That’s all I got.