Discussion: Mexico's President-Elect Hopes To 'Reach An Understanding' With Trump

"Eradicating corruption will be the principal mission,”

What’s his plan for managing to stay alive?


“At the appropriate moment, we are going to get in touch, to reach an understanding” with the Trump administration.

Speak softly and carry a very big stick. (To get Trump’s attention, of course.)

“We are conscious of the need to maintain good relations with the United States,” he added

So were Merkel, Trudeau, Macron, and May. Perhaps if you display some dictator-like traits, donnie will come around to you Mr. Obrador.

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Yeah really seems like Mexico like a lot of counties, maybe only to a little greater extent than the US, have a lot of ingrained schemes going on.

I don’t think Donnie understands anything paying for the privilege to do it his way.

I wish him luck, but Mexico has been corrupt for so long, its hard to imagine him doing what he says.