Of course it’s not going to help. The problem is that they caved and gave the Dotard a win, he will demand something else next week. Mexicans need to wean themselves of US trade like yesterday.
Great. So you’re cheering for them to partner with China and give a foothold to them right at our border?
I hadn’t seen this. hilarious,thank you
Joe Biden and his thoughts on Mexico, 40 story fences, drugs, and “illegals”.:
In other words. Mexico is offering words and nothing else so the substance free con man Trump can loudly proclaim victory. Smart strategy on Mexico’s part.
They’re not going to do anything significant. They’re playing him like a violin. And, he proclaims victory for everything. Even those huge crowds in London. But, yes, I wish they weren’t paying lip service.
That’s what everybody will end up doing if Trump keeps pushing too hard on his “America First” policies. If I was President of Mexico I would go as far as encouraging the Chinese to build a submarine base in Baja.
Move to Tucson. Tacos, yum!
And Sonoran hot dogs! Mmm mmm good.
Damn it, Ralph. Now I’m hungry.
They could sell umbrella drinks to American tourists and offer time shares on a submarine.
I understand the felt need, given the power differential, to offer a means to address the situation and it is really unclear how much it will actually amount to in practice with or without court challenges. Also, they might have done something similar regardless – who knows without an in depth look at the situation. Finally, Trump will likely not be satisfied long term – the issue is just too important for him to troll on for him to be “reasonable” about it though he might short term use it as a way to move on.
I am really concerned about how the asylum seekers will be treated in Mexico. Concerned there will be retaliation.
I don’t particularly liked the hot dogs the times I have been to Sonora, now the Mazatlan-style hot dogs are something else, they are so good that they are illegal in LA.
No worse than usual, after all Guatemalans are Mexico’s mexicans.
Watch this short video for a ray of hope.
If people feel they have a future in their home countries they won’t want to come to America. Why don’t we just do something to stabilize and improve the economy of Central America? That approach worked with Mexico. Central America isn’t that big.
Trump is using the same techniques he used to stiff his contractors. The contractors could either settle, or get tied up in courts for years with the risk of loosing their businesses. The weaker ones had no choice but to cave to whatever Trump demanded. The smart ones of course, never dealt with Trump again, which is a choice that Mexico doesn’t have.
And I am certain that China is standing there waiting in the wings with open arms and open wallets, ready to “invest” in Mexican ports, transportation, and infrastructure in exchange for “consideration” of Chinese aspirations.
Exactly like they did in the Middle and Near East after Bush the Lesser’s monumentally stupid invasion of Iraq.
The Chinese have only coastal submarines. A base in in Mexico would do wonders to keep an eye on the US Fleet. The republicans should consider the long term consequences of Trump annoying allies and bullying neighbors. But that would be too much to expect from them, all they care are the primaries next year.