Discussion: Merkley: Migrant Kids Are Kept In Cages On Concrete Floor At TX Border Station

Fucking cages on concrete floors!! I avoided this article all day because it upsets me so much, and because its unbelievably cruel and disgusting that this is happening in our own country. I feel so mad and depressed knowing this type of thing is happening in such a fascist and systematic way. I can only imagine what those poor vulnerable children and their freaked out parents must be going through. I’ve worked with refugees before in the foster care system as a social worker in the past, by finding placements and doing licensing work for homes for some of those unaccompanied minors. Many social service agencies have contracts with the government for refugee services in order to find those children placement. Unfortunately there are never enough single family fostercare homes or group homes for many of these kids. This tears me up. It sickens me. These holding pens are immoral and not worthy of a great country. We have got to provide better accommodations for these families, but especially these children. My G-d! What have we become?


I think I’ll take a knee…


And they’d bring marshmallows…

Is that a diaper in his hand?

Thank you for what you have done. I have adopted my six foster kids. I know that this trauma will be hurtful for a lifetime for these kids, and we may be breeding hate in them. I just wish I could help somehow.

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Perish the thought.

Most of them have crossed Mexico from Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua… Central America

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Moronic Americans Goofy Apparel

While that’s undoubtedly part of it and would be the public face of it, this isn’t the first time I’ve wondered if this administration is hardening a group of sadistic followers for a broader assault – on U.S. soil.

This is an atrocity and Americans will pay for it one way or another. What goes around comes around.


Did you notice the CNN video clip at the end of the article? Somebody tell FOX. That is the channel all the deplorables watch.

And one of those guards claimed that they only put children who crossed the border illegally in cages. Those children were ripped out of the arms of their parents seeking amnesty in our wonderful country /s

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All the huffing and puffing by conservatives about people who don’t respect our flag. Bet these two are conservatives.

But the children being warehoused in a Walmart/prison camp aren’t Texans. They have no rights.

Which part of the mandatory reporting law required the kids to have papers? I must have missed that.

Cages? I seem to remember our POWs being held in cages during the VN war and we found that to be repugnant. Now in this country we are detaining children in CAGES??? Where is the outrage? Is this America???

Denying his duty to provide oversight.

I’d like to see a group of 20-25 Dems go down to several of these places on a weekly basis to get the media attention to this very important human rights issue. I had a weird dream last night that McCain rolled up with them to force these detention centers to open up. Wouldn’t it be great if America found its collective soul and conscience again to protect children from the wrath of Trump, Beauregard and the white sheet brigade?


No. I watched it last night during prime time. Only MSNBC Chris Hayse gave it coverage it deserved.

HHS officials will soon tour military installations near the border in Texas as they search for more space to house children while they wait for placement. The officials will tour Dyess Air Force Base, Goodfellow Air Force Base, and Fort Bliss, the spokesperson said.

“HHS will make the determination if they will use any of the three sites for UAC (unaccompanied alien children) operations,” the spokesperson said.

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