Discussion: Members Of Trump's Club Got Front Row Seats To His Missile Test Response

I wonder how many of the wait staff are “students” on those “cultural exchange” visas, which basically gives business owners a payroll tax exemption for showcasing the American way of life to college students from abroad, in exchange for a summers worth of minimum wage labor taking tickets at the water park or pouring gas at the go kart track.


I don’t think rich people necessarily adore him but you’re right otherwise. Trump loves being in the midst of other rich people, the richer the better. Despite all his money, and now (what is called) fame, he’s still nothing more than a stupid star fucker.


Can you imagine if Obama or Hillary would have done something like this?
It would be bigger than even that Ben Ghazi fellow!

Trump gets away with it because he’s retarded - and people feel sorry for retards.


Can we STOP with the rebranding of his resort as the Winter White House?? He has a home and he has access to freaking Camp David, provided by the American people.


And there will be silence from conservatives or blaming liberals for blowing this out of proportion.


Nope. Trump is like Nixon since in that they are both liars and frauds. Nixon had his “Winter White House” in California and now Trump has his in Florida.

Corrupt minds think alike! Deal with it.


It will soon as we pony up a couple of hundred million to 1) rent the space and 2) retro fit it into a new weeeknd situation room in the “Winter White House”.

Not to mention he’s on his android phone trying to look like he’s a big shtarker while Abe’s got nothing to do but gaze abstractedly into the distance.


But for a mere $500,000 if the launch codes are needed a member could push one of the buttons. For another $100,000 a selfie of that would be allowed.


Remember “Duck Soup?” Trump makes Rufus T. Firefly seem like Winston Churchill, and Fredonia like paradise.


Question: What does HFS stand for? I’m thinking it’s either “Holy Flying Spaghetti” or “How Fucking Stupid” …

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The Blabbermouth Braggart in Chief hanging out with the common people who can afford a $200,000 upfront fee to join a damned club. This shows absolutely zero respect for the Office of President. Zero respect for the American people who have given every president great responsibility. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Detest this man and his entire family who also are exhibiting zero respect for the Office Of President and the responsibility to the American people.


I live a couple of miles from Mar-a-Lago. When I was out walking the other day I ran into one of my neighbors. We talked about the impact Trump is having on the community when he is in town. My neighbor surprised me by relaying that he had heard from another neighbor who is a club member that since his election Trump has been very accessible to club members. Apparently Trump likes to shake hands and chat while on the golf course. It probably drives the Secret Service crazy.


Not so funny comment on Twitter.

A Russian account (I’m assuming mockingly) asked for someone to please send him Rick’s email address and a list of things Rick fears.



What a fantastic story. Nothing phases this guy.

Holy F_ckin’ Sh_t!!


Of course not - nothing phases people who are completely unhooked from reality.


Ah. Danke.

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I’m at almost a complete loss for words. Almost.

This reminds me of a film I saw years ago - wasn’t a great film, either - about an attempted coup in some third world country.

Our government isn’t in control, in fact it’s out of control. That’s destabilization.

And I’m beginning to think it’s not incompetence, but a deliberate destabilization.


Except, of course, for, you know … reality.