Seriously - Unless he was ordered to by the CinC (Cheeto in Chief), my first thought was, “Hope you enjoy pooping out your second asshole you poor bastard.” If he was ordered by Trump, “Congrats on your new reassignment away from this asshat.”
One of Josh’s maxims on Trump is you will always be denigrated through association. Always.
Left, right or center, this should be a concern to everyone. Gen. Mattis has got to be going nuts. Right now he is our only hope. I never thought I would say something like this but maybe he should take charge until new, Russian free elections.
Either that or the satchel actually contains Hair Furor’s emergency backup briefs, in case the old incontinence kicks in. Rick just tells people it’s the Football because, GOD how embarrassing!
The idea that Trump feels it is okay to refer to the Prime Minister of Japan in such an informal way is just… ugh.
And to use a foreign leader as basically a brag date for your club members… again… ugh.
As to being such a tremendous putz as to have any kind of discussion of what the response to North Korea would be in such a open/public area… fuck this moron.
Also, remember that most of the staff at Mar-a-Diablo are foreigners hired by Trump because they’re cheaper than Americans. So we have non-Americans swapping out the plates while Trump and his merry band of idiots discuss highly sensitive information. Many of them are Eastern Europeans…ergo, any number of them could be Russian agents.
They put a very competent public servant through hell and convinced the stupid people to vote against her because she was “dishonest” and a “threat” to national security.
Now Agent Orange pulls this. I mean, come on Congress, grow some integrity and get him OUT!
So Trump bans cell phones at a Red Cross fundraiser where non one would expect sensitive political issues to be discussed, but allows cell phones when he’s OBVIOUSLY discussing sensitive political events? Trump has no sense of priority whatsoever.
From what I understand, the intelligence community doesn’t just believe the SITROOM has “ears” in the electronic bug sense but in the literal biological sense as well.
Read ‘somewhere’ that Tweeto is in talks to see when he can launch first attacks against Ivanka’s very, very, unfair stores who are pulling her line of crap? Burlington is the latest .
Actually, we should hope any crisis will always be timed so that Trump is at the Mar-a-Lago. He clearly is more relaxed there and may be less prone to act impulsively in an environment that he enjoys surrounded by adoring rich people.
Reading those tweets and looking at the photos of the event, it just stressed upon me that T rump has absolutely zero concerns about the responsibilities of being POTUS. Notice who was standing above him in one of those pictures? Steve Bannon. T rump has Bannon to do everything for him, thus T rump never needs to think like an adult. He can continue being a child forever because Bannon is taking care of the real business of this nation. The worst part about this is that T rump either is completely clueless to the fact that someone else is actually running the country, or he simply does not care. Either way, the stain on this nation’s democracy cannot ever be wiped clean. T rump as a human being is a failure. He’s a loser. His mommy probably didn’t love him.