Discussion: Melania Trump Threatens To Sue People Writer Over 'False' Anecdote


This should be good, if you think the NY Times has good lawyers, wait until People Magazine get through with discovery of Trump and family.
Threats like this one are made to (most likely) ensure the Trumpanzee’s don’t take this information seriously, otherwise Trump won’t even get 35% of the vote.


Melania Trump Threatens To Sue
I doubt Melania Trump unscrews an Oreo to lick the frosting without The Donald’s nod. More like You’re suing that b1tch!
Yes, master!


once upon a time. it was the best of times. it was the worst of time. it was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen. I remember well she ws not there… …i sue her. donald, light of my life, fire of my loins, never touched her…

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OK class, let’s weigh the probability the reporter completely fabricated the anecdote as a poignant little postlude versus the probability that Trump’s lawyers are piling on to intimidate her by threatening to sue over an encounter that can’t be proven.


Lemme see if I understand this:

The basis of a libel suit would be that she liked somebody?
That a People Magazine reporter who had been on her husband’s story for some time, had been been assigned to Donald Trump regularly might be someone she would recognize again within a year?
Okay, just for Republicans and giggles, let’s stipulate that’s all true.
What exactly is the damage to her reputation?
Even if a court were to find the preponderance of evidence in her favor, I can’t see the damages as being more than $1.


Melania Trump’s lawyers

I’m guessing she’s has nothing to do with any of this and is probably just hiding herself away from all of this and waiting for Donald to lose so she can go back to being out of the spot light.

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Step 1) Denial.
Step 2) Anger.
blah blah blah
Step 7) Divorce. I recommend she fast-forwards to divorce as Trump’s “empire” could be pretty well diminished by the time this one is over.


What do you expect her to say. We all witnessed how looming he is, remember how threatening her acted towards Hillary at the last debate, he is so mean, I wonder what is actually going on in that household. He’s a MEAN SOB. I hope she has a way out of the CRAZY FAMILY. Someone needs to check to see if she is wilth him by choice.


Y’know, we haven’t seen much of Melania in public.

Some people are saying they’re need the time for her bruises to heal.

This is a seriously lame seed if that’s the case.

First off…she was never friendly with the People magazine reporter assigned to covering her husband? Her husband being the man who requires media attention, especially fluff pieces like People does, more than flowers require sunshine? Right.

Secondly, this quickly becomes a her word vs. her word story…and who are you going to believe, a woman who has been a reporter for over 2 decades, or a woman who plagiarized her convention speech?

Toss into the mix the backdrop of Trump bragging about doing precisely what this woman describes, numerous other women making similar accusations and the fact we have not heard a peep out of Melania since the plagiarized speech…except when she came out to express her own dismay at Trump’s words.

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She did wear a Gucci Pussy-Bow blouse to the debate… Smarter than she lets on? “Subtly” giving Donny Boy the finger? Evaluating her own portfolio to decide whether or not the pre-nup matters?


that’s what I mean - I think Melania already has her exit plan mapped out

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Yep. Model looks, heavy accent, and inept handlers does not necessarily mean she’s dumb.

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As I posted about her husband yesterday:

  1. She has threatened to sue;
  2. A threat is just words, not an action;
  3. Filing suit does not imply success in court.

Another cheap effort to intimidate and another lie. This family thinks that manipulating public relations and issuing statements on Twitter is the equivalent of creating reality. I strongly suspect they will be proven to be completely wrong. Go ahead, tell us what you would like to do; I’m not listening. Sticks and stones, etc.

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If she didn’t greet a reporter responsible for giving her and her husband big piles of color magazine pages, that would be the odd thing. Even assh*le celebrities like her husband know you smile at the reporter and make as if you don’t despise them.(I’ve been a reporter covering semi-celebrities, and I know about the big smile and firm handshake when it’s needed, preceded/succeeded by the derogatory marks they think you won’t hear.)

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Interesting she disputes running into her on the street and not remembering, but she doesn’t dispute leaving her in the room alone with Trump at Mar a Lago. That is where most of us see the problem, not the encounter on the street. Guess that part is okay with Melania

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Hypocrite! So now, Melanie is doing exactly what Trump has accused Hillary of doing.


JHC…this FAMILY!!! No you don’t get to sue EVERYBODY because their recollections are different than yours. The courts will laugh you and your stupid nuisance suit out the door. You people are insufferable.

they actually do call them pigs “feet” not pigs “hooves”.

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