Like speaks to like.
But with a better hair dye job.
The guy in the back isn’t going to make out alive.
She’s right …ya know …
Gossip is such a nasty thing …
Why can’t everybody just advance themselves the ’ old fashioned way ’ ? ? …
Like strippin down and pastin yer skin in de magazine ? ? …
It a tough business, you have to do the lie down and sleeps with the dog…
Ya know, darlink, Mueller has his eyes on you, too. Consider quietly discussing with the SCO all you know about this traitor you married. I read Mueller is very understanding and helpful for those trapped by trump’s crimes. You do not look good in orange, especially with that cheap hair dye.
What a terrible First Family. Gold diggers, grifters, greedy money grabbers. Not an iota of class. Not an iota of empathy towards others. Especially their “base” who suck up anything they disgorge. I’m afraid the Democrats will screw up their House majority. They usually do.
And Kirk and Spock will need a lot of recover time!
“I give my husband advice and my honest opinion, sometimes he listens and sometimes he doesn’t,” she said. “I don’t agree with his tone sometimes and I tell him that.”
I really don’t care. Do you?
They never do.
It’s the red shirt. I wonder if we should start keeping track of the red ties in this administration? They may not die but their careers will be dead.
Just taking a page out of your past, Mel. Be careful though, at the age of 46, your expiration date is fast approaching.