Discussion: Megyn Kelly: We 'Overestimated' Trump's Anger Management Skills

Discussion for article #241765

Hysterical fear mongering ten. Anger management skills zero.


Who is “we” exactly? Fox News? Is she saying that if they’d gauged Trump’s lack of self-control better, they would have asked him softball questions?


Fox & Friends: Trumps lack of anger management is a huge positive for Trump’s candidacy for president. Leader of free world should be able to blow off any country or political party at any time with or without facts. This breaks the status quo. It also makes good television and our ratings go up.


It seems to me that, for a person with nuclear launch codes, anger management is an essential job skill.


Yeah…“our bad…we expected a GOP/Teatroll candidate to have the same emotional control and faculties as an adult because we temporarily forgot that they’re all just wealthy, pampered, pandering manchildren.”


Well… I would think that if you are a legitimate news organization (as opposed to a captive propaganda tool) that you may in your strategy sessions prior to confronting the candidates discuss their anger management skills. But, no matter what the estimate is it should not affect your decision to ask an important question.

However, if you are a propaganda tool doing the bidding of the republican party I could see where you may want to temper your questions so as to not provoke one of the candidates into a public melt down. Is this what you are saying that Fox News is doing?


I think her actual message is mostly in the subtext, which seems to be Fuck You Donald, You’re a Dick P.S. I Am Not Scared of You Don’t Make Me Laugh. “I think we overestimated” is just a way of introducing the subject, because he’s been proving for about three decades that he’s not really skillful that way and there was never any doubt.


What a martyr .

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Kelly doesn’t ask tough questions. She gives that appearance while she’s really setting up a GOP’er to fix political problems. The “tough” questions are tailor made for each candidate to clear up a mess. Wallace is even worse for that.

Donald’s just not used to having women back talk him.


Only in that their lack of them is potentially disqualifying and therefore should be exposed.

Since we are talking about Kelly, I will go with the essentially phrase and say, essentially, she is admitting very loudly that Fox is more interested in helping the GOP candidates with image management then they are with presenting their views with reality and information vital to the decision making process of who to choose as the GOP nomination.

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Only if you’re trying to avoid WWIII. For those who just want to see the bright light and hear the big bang that tells them the Other has been annihilated, poor anger management skills are a feature, not a bug.


Mean Girl interpretation of what she said: We fucked up-- we failed to realize what a dipshit you are.

Political Tool interpretation of what she said: Gack! We didn’t think you could hit back so hard. We are the Almighty Propaganda Machine. Get control of yourself and show some respect,would you?

Asking about loyalty to the eventual Republican nominee destroyed Fox’s prospects for a non-contentious relationship with Trump but did render him more susceptible to pressure to pledge to be loyal.

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As flawed as our system of electing Presidents may be, you really do get a sense of the person behind the image over the almost two year gauntlet they need to run. And Mr. Trump, you’re fired!!


All that conservatives and right wingers do, all day ever day, blindly and compulsively, is project.

Psychological projection is how they deal with being the slowest among us, the reprobate kids in the back of the classroom. I don’t mean to imply offense… but let’s be real here, not all people have equal skills and abilities. Some of us are sharper and more intelligent in many different senses - Ben Carson is clearly a gifted neurosurgeon, and in many other ways he is a terminal idiot. But by and large, the intellectuals and the creative types, they’re liberal… and right wingers complain, project and deflect. It’s what they do.


Anyone who didn’t know that the short-fingered vulgarian was an idiot is they themselves an idiot.


We ‘Overestimated’ Trump’s Anger Management skills" in that he has NONE!


The GOP appear to be the only people overestimating Trump’s skills on anything, let alone his professionalism and temper. To quote Dennis Green, “[Trump is] who we thought [he was]!”

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Trumpie has shown over the years that he has no real management skills. If his daddy wasn’t rich he would have had a career as a drunken leering high school janitor.