Discussion: Megyn Kelly To Cruz: You Can't Just Be Someone 'Who Stops Things' (VIDEO)

Follow up questions are where true journalists shine. This is Megyn Kelly and a journalist she is NOT!


Those with weak stomachs, avert your eyes …

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Cruz had better just buy the White House Tour ticket.
Cuz’ I don’t see an invite forthcoming from any current or future inhabitants.



Interesting. This means the anchors at Fox “News” have been given instructions to take down Ted Cruz. I kind of figured the Republican establishment would want some payback for his arrogance in the last couple of years.


but he likes green eggs and ham.

But does the box lunch include green eggs and ham?

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Can you imagine a President Cruz actually leading a cabinet meeting, working with Congress, or negotiating with any foreign nation. How long would America last with that smug, pedantic, self important, arrogant asshole as President?

By the way, he was the national debate champion. His personality fits that misbegotten sterotype to a tee.

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FOX is, of course, as an institution just as destructive and useless as Cruz.

President Obama: Born in the United States to a man who fought the Nazis.

Ted Cruz: Born in Canada, a foreign country, to a man who fought on Fidel Castro’s side in their revolution.

But which one has ‘enraged’ and ‘outraged’ FOX Noise’ and fueled their conspiracy lunacy as ‘not one of us,’ ‘not a real American,’ and ‘a foreigner’ ? FOX helped create Cruz and any slight from them to him is hypocrisy of the highest order; FOX is the Republican and Rightie cesspool where demagogue and hatemonger Turd Cruz belongs and should feel at home.


We can agree to disagree, but I remain sure I’m right. By that point, the two nominees were known and had been campaigning for months, not just after but all thru the summer before the conventions. When the crisis first went public it wouldn’t have been and indeed wasn’t obvious that either McCain or Obama’s leadership needed to be produced and demonstrated. But THEN McCain, I suspect partly out of desperation and partly out of having not one fricking clue about what had happened or what the risks were, notably FAILED to take up the challenge - which left the stage entirely to Obama to be seen as saving, or with Pelosi ‘co-saving’, the economy.

I expect I’m not alone in this recollection, despite the increasingly pervasive presence of the memory hole.

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Memo to Megyn Kelly:
That’s ALL THE GOP HAS. This isn’t a Cruz problem, it’s a GOP / Tealiban / Faux News problem.


Just two days into Turdburgler Cruz’ ~snicker!~ “presidential bid” …and already all this hilarity!

Hey Ted!  There’s always “Go Fund Me” and “Kickstarter” when the Loony’ Bagger monies dry up.   In the meantime better sashay on off to the Mega Church circuit, pass the plate,  and grift off those TEAlibangelicals.  Or you can always put up a “Begging Bowl” page like that AZ sheriff did!

You’re welcome!


I’m not sure I understand your argument. I was not happy with TARP, but I recognize that the financial system was in trouble and that extraordinary measures were called for to rescue the economy.

I think a better deal could have been crafted, one that conditioned the bailout funds on some sort of foreclosure moratorium to mitigate the damage to the housing market, but at the time the clock was ticking toward a tsunami.

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Any of them…all of them.

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In what way, Charlie?

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Gawwd’! I shuddered just a bit when I actually had to face the fact that some woman married Cruz! What kind of self-loathing creature she must be; water does seek its own level, I suppose.
Yet…this pic gave me a good giggle:

Wife: “Oh…GrandPa Munster! Not in the face! Not in the face!”


Cruz’s campaign is based upon imagining paying a flat tax on a post card with no IRS to receive the revenue. And who in fuck uses post cards these days anyway. Does this mean, somehow, I can account for all the revenues and expenses of houses I sell, the businesses I own, and the rentals I own. How do I cram all that on to a post card. What people don’t seem to understand is that a flat tax per se doesn’t make preparing your taxes easier as it is the income used for that flat tax that is the complex part. Looking up your tax on a table doesn’t get more difficult because it is flat. Flat, steep, or curved, it is all the same especially if you are using Turbo Tax. This whole tax thing epitomizes the shallow thinking of conservatives in general and Cruz in particular.

Cruz is renowned for his supposed debating skills while in college. But were those debating skills based upon lies like his presidential campaign and time in the Senate? Using lies to make your points does not make for a great debater but it does make for a great obfuscator.

Imagine a world without Cruz. That world would have a better chance of surviving into the next century.


Cruz pummeled by softball questions.


I’m not taking sides here on the Castroist Communism versus the Batista regime, nor do I care in the least for either Cruz; but the distinct impression I have is that while the elder Cruz may well have been identified as opposing Batista, he wasn’t associated with the Castro faction in the insurgency or indeed any of the fighting by any of the several factions that opposed Batista during the last few years prior to la revolucion and Batista’s flight. Cruz senior was barely more than a child and still a teenager when he left Cuba, well over a year before Batista gave up and fled and Castro forces took Havana. Ted Cruz has said, numerous times, that his father 'threw Molotov cocktails, not WITH Castro, but on the same side\ - meaning, AFAICS, the ‘side’ populated with all the factions and individuals opposing Batista.

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When she tires of carrying the huge buckets of GOP Propaganda Water, she must stop to straighten her back. When she does that, she has a bit clearer vision. However, those moments of (close to but not really) sanity are just too short and are soon forgotten once her chores begin again. It’s her own doing – she loves her all them zeroes after the big numbers that are on her paycheck. Greta knows the dance very well. Greta used to have a bit of a sense of self worth … but I guess ‘we all have to work somewhere.’


Exactly. The flat tax idea is just another scam to shift the tax burden from the rich onto the working and middle classes.