Discussion: Megyn Kelly Ridicules GOP Debate Letter: Want A Foot Massage Too?

She has sense coming out of her whatever…

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Trump has amazingly neutered Kelly among all but her most ardent supporters. This was unexpected, at least to me, in that the #1 Foxbot in her TV ascendency was literally stopped in her tracks. Her viewership has declined only a tad but one would expect from here on out her numbers will keep declining, especially if Trumps stays near the top of the pollster’s charts.

Perhaps the only good thing Trump has done!

As Rick Perry said, even a broken clock is right once a day. Part of cynical me assumes that Rupert is fine with all this talk because he doesn’t want to look like Fox is acquiescing to the candidates and he is worried that any change in or cancellation of the debates could affect the ratings bonanza that they could be to Fox. Or perhaps he’s scared that the GOP is coming off like a bunch of wusses.

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That picture looks like Megs is getting ready to give more than a foot massage.

Hell hath no fury like a womyn scorned.

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Does the Republican party actual exist anymore? Should the term even be used? I think the disparate nut case coalitions need to form up their own parties, and the press should stop treating the candidates as coming from one unified group when clearly they don’t. It would only take a few in the press such as Kelly to start the Trend for example the call the Trump folks Trumpets as all they do is blow smoke out their asses like trumpets. Carson folks, the Afterbirths, as they are all born again morons. Rubio = Waterboy’s etc etc

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That look of monumental disdain on Megyn’s face is priceless, and her cutting remarks about these prissy candidate demands are sure to leave a mark.


What’s with the “no brown M & M’s”?

Anyway, glad to see some more mocking going on here, especially from Faux.

In other word, even though “shilling for the RNC” is Megan’s job description, she wants it to be very clear that SHE is the star diva, and the candidates are the spear carriers in the chorus.

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That stuff comes from rock and roll when entertainment attorneys used to put shit like that in the contract to force and ensure that the promoter actually read the contract. It is hard to tell a Judge some bullshit about a contract if you have performed the m and m clause to the letter.


I think that was just an elaborate ruse so she could show us her armpits.

I think this is Fox’s way of winnowing the field. Too bad, it’s been such a wonderful clown show this cycle.

" If we’re not asked the right questions , we’re going to have another tantrum " .

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When Faux News starts calling others whiners, you know the GOP presidential field are a bunch of babies. Murdock’s dingbats and crackpots are experts in this area.

Don’t you just love that Trump is now demanding to be paid to show up? It’s like he thinks bribes are a way of life in this country. No wonder. The GOP has become completely corrupt. As a law unto himself, The Donald will collect taxes and give them away as “free stuff” to others? The irony is just too rich.

Someone please put these conservatives out of their misery and cancel the rest of their debates. They are becoming a parody for everything they claim they hate. There isn’t one “principle” or family value shared among all of them


Nah, they are just egging them on to new heights of insanity. The old white conservative males want to see blood in the Coliseum.

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“No brown M&Ms, no brown M&Ms. Get all the Brown M&Ms out of the bowl.”

Talk about your dog whistles!!! :wink:

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It reaches a point where even a prostitute has to lay down some standards. The Republican presidential field don’t meet code.

Remember the 97-page report entitled Growth and Opportunity Project that Rs put out after rMoney’s loss which outlined how the party would learn from his loss, change course, take on immigration reform, and overall become smarter and in particular stop talking only to themselves? Rinse announced the RNC would spend $10 million to bring on new staff to help appeal to young, female and minority voters. Don’t remember those promises? That’s okay. The GOOP doesn’t remember it either.


Make no mistake: 9 days out of 10, Megyn Kelly is a fire-breathing true believer in the Gospel According to Ailes. But I’ll give credit where credit is due. She does have her lucid moments and the capacity to speak truth to power. She seems positively embarrassed by the collective wimpiness of the GOP candidates who want to have the rules changed so it isn’t so . . . you know, HARD next time to answer all those questions and stuff.


Murdock can’t stand these losers anymore than Kaisch or the rest of us. There comes a time when you just know that you wasted all the time and effort putting lipstick on a pig…as Palin once said.

Sister Sarah hasn’t even deemed to comment on the current ridiculous debate situation when she started it all eight years ago…or maybe that was McCain for giving her a platform from which to speak on the national stage. Now any idiot can run for the GOP presidential nomination…and is.