Discussion: Meghan McCain To Beck: Let’s Chat About How You’ve Divided The GOP

Discussion for article #226009

Well shit, there’s an opinion that matters.


“In all seriousness, if Glenn Beck wants to come on this show, I’m happy to have a conversation with him,” she said. “I think pigs will fly out of my ass sooner than that man will come on this show, but we could try.”

As has been said of Milton’s Paradise Lost: “It’s all lofty, all lofty.”


First, have your father on your show to explain why he picked one of the most divisive people, Palin, for his VP running mate.


Christ, this is a fight in which I can choose no side. They’re both some of the most loathsome, pathetic, painfully idiotic creatures involved in politics. He is an asshole of epic proportions and she’s the poster child for the fight against nepotism.


Please! first I want to watch the pigs fly out her ass then whatever you want but do not deny me my moment! please! please!


I believe that Lizard Cheney holds this distinct honor.


Meghan should call Rick Santorum for advice about bringing up the rear.

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I can’t even consider Ms. McCain without giving serious appreciation to her…


I don’t know, Liz Cheney beats her sorry ass hands down on that score.

Crap… I should have read further down before replying to Plucky. Thunder stolen once again. :wink:

Yep. Supply-sider knocks divide and conquer. Stranger than fiction.

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Gonna call Carnival Cruz next??


Lets talk about how your father divided the party by unleashing the teaparty with Palin.

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I agree. Beck wouldn’t have made the break from Headline News if it weren’t for Palin’s introduction to national ignorance.

Or Luke Russert.

Happens to me all the time, gotta be quicker than stink on shit if you snark on today’s innerwebs!

" if you’re the type of person that’s going to divide America…"

Because we know the only real 'merica is made up of only Republicans.

See, that’s the downside of not being wealthy enough to not have to head into the office. Always being late to the threads. :slight_smile:

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I haven’t quite figured out, after her comments over the last few years, why on earth she’s still a member of the Republican party. Maybe Daddy’s threatened to cut her out of the will?

I’ll give her a little bit of credit for saying some of the right things some of the time. I too would sure love to know Daddy’s explanation of WHY Palin. We all would like to know.